makerdao / mkr-mcd-spec

High level KSpecification for the MCD System by Runtime Verification and Maker Foundation
GNU General Public License v3.0
28 stars 9 forks source link

KMCD - Multi-Collateral Dai (MCD) KSpecification

Useful Links


The semantics is broken into several sub-modules.

Utility Files

Accounting System


Liquidation/Auction Houses

Global Settlement


After installing all the dependencies needed for K Framework, you can run:

make deps
make build -j4

If you are on Arch Linux, add K_BUILD_TYPE=Release to make deps, as the Debug and FastBuild versions do not work.

Whenever you update the K submodule (which happens regularly automatically on CI), you may need to do:

rm -rf deps
git submodule update --init --recursive
make deps
make build -j4

Running Simple Tests

In directory tests/, we have some example runs of the system. You can run on these simulations directly to get an idea of what the output of the system looks like.

./kmcd run --backend llvm tests/attacks/

If you want to run all the attack tests (and check their output), run:

make test-execution -j4

Running Random Tester

Environment Setup

Make sure that pyk library is on PYTHONPATH, and krun is on PATH:

export PYTHONPATH=./deps/k/k-distribution/target/release/k/lib/kframework
export PATH=./deps/k/k-distribution/target/release/k/bin:$PATH Usage

You can ask the random tester for help:

./ random-test --help

Then you can start the random tester running, with depth 100, up to 3000 times:

./ random-test 100 3000 &> random-test.out

Then you can watch random-test.out for assertion violations it finds (search for Violation Found).

Additionally, the option --emit-solidity is supported, which will make best-effort emissions of Solidity code:

./ random-test 100 3000 --emit-solidity &> random-test.out

This emitted Solidity code can be used for conformance testing the Solidity implementation.

Speed up with kserver

By running KServer while working with, you will see about 4x the throughput in simulations. This basically keeps a "warmed up" JVM around, so that we don't have to start over each time.

To start the KServer run:

spawn-kserver kserver.log

And to stop the KServer, run:


You can make sure that the KServer is being used by running tail -F kserver.log. As is running, you should see entries like this being added:

NGSession 10: org.kframework.main.Main exited with status 0
NGSession 12: org.kframework.main.Main exited with status 0
NGSession 14: org.kframework.main.Main exited with status 0
NGSession 16: org.kframework.main.Main exited with status 0