makinacorpus / convertit

A generic format conversion Web API in Pyramid
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
25 stars 10 forks source link

Convertit is a format conversion webservice.

Retrieve your document in an other format ! The input file is converted and served back ! Using a dead simple GET request, documents are pulled. Using POST request, it takes the attachment.

.. image:: :target:

Supported conversions:

Previously converted documents are cleaned along the way (on each request).

===== USAGE

Using GET request

Example, convert from odt to pdf :


curl http://convertit/?url=http://server/document.odt&to=application/pdf
HTTP/1.1 302 Found
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=document.pdf

GET parameters:

url: absolute url of the document to be converted.

"url" also supports a "{X_FORWARDED_FOR}" placeholder for requests not knowing their own host. "{X_FORWARDED_FOR}" will be replaced with the corresponding "X_FORWARDED_FOR" header if available. Be warned that "X_FORWARDED_FOR" is not a safe value since it can be modified by user agents or given false value by forward proxies. Use only if really needed. Exemple::

curl "http://convertit/?url=http://{X_FORWARDED_FOR}/document.odt&to=application/pdf"

Using POST request

Upload data in POST parameter named file:


curl -F "file=@tiger.svg" http://convertit/?to=image/png
HTTP/1.1 302 Found
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=tiger.png

Query parameters

======= INSTALL

System dependencies

Conversion binaries should be in system PATH (which is used internally.)




make serve

Once the application is running, you may visit http://localhost:6543/ in your browser.

Run tests: ::

make tests


Using gunicorn for example :


gunicorn --workers=1 --paste=production.ini

Using Docker :


sudo docker build -t="convertit" .
sudo docker run -p :6543 convertit


Open an issue <>_ to report a bug or request a new feature.

======= CREDITS



.. |makinacom| image:: .. _makinacom:

