This project is about creating a set of Docker containers to run a Seafile service.
Note: only seems to be working on a Linux host at the moment. If you are a Mac user and get it to work, please do tell me.
Unfortunately, this breaks every now and then with a new Seafile release, because of the really unfortunate and fragile way Seafile needs to be installed. I will fix it whenever I realize that is the case, but the setup process might be broken at any time.
The setup consists of a data-only container, which encapsulates all volumes for all containers in order to make the configuration of the related data storage easier.
For this quickstart to work, you need to have Docker, v 1.4+ and Docker compose, v 1.1+ installed. Also, you need to add the line: localhost.home
to the file /etc/hosts. Use localhost.home as the hostname when asked, and answer the rest of the questions according to the config section here.
git clone
cd docker-seafile
sudo ./
<enter admin email and password>
firefox https://localhost.home/seafile
(accept insecure host cert when browser warns)