A tool to estimate the copy number of ampliconic gene families in human Y chromosome using Illumina whole genome sequencing data.
To run AmpliCoNE, you need the following list of tools and packages:
Python 2.7.x
Numpy 1.14.2
Pandas 0.23.4
Biopython 1.71
Bowtie2 version 2.2.9
Create an environment.yml file as described below.
vim amplicone-environment.yml
name: amplicone
- bioconda
- python=2.7
- pandas=0.23.4
- numpy=1.14.2
- pysam=
- biopython=1.71
- bowtie2=2.*
Use the amplicone-environment.yml file to create an environment named "amplicone"
conda env create -f amplicone-environment.yml
Load the environment each time you run AmpliCoNE.
source activate amplicone
Once you installed the things above, do the following:
Clone the repository https://github.com/makovalab-psu/AmpliCoNE-tool by running:
git clone https://github.com/makovalab-psu/AmpliCoNE-tool.git
#download annotation and gene definition files for hg38
wget http://www.bx.psu.edu/medvedev_lab/amplicone/hg38/hg38_amplicone_files.tar.gz
#uncompress the files
tar -zxvf hg38_amplicone_files.tar.gz
#list files downloaded (gene_definition_hg38.tab hg38_Ychromosome_annotation.tab)
ls hg38_amplicone_files/
Generate BAM files by aligning your Illumina whole genome sequencing dataset to hg38 using BWA-mem. (hg38 version reference can be downloaded from UCSC genome browser or ENSEMBL). The BAM files must be sorted by position and indexed.
Download test dataset here.
#download test BAM file
wget http://www.bx.psu.edu/medvedev_lab/amplicone/hg38/test_data.tar.gz
#uncompress the files
tar -zxvf test_data.tar.gz
#list files downloaded (test.bam test.bam.bai)
ls test_data/
AmpliCoNE-count.py takes the gene definition file, annotation file and BAM file as input to estimate the copy number of the nine ampliconic gene families. In addition, the name of the Y chromosome (chrY|Y) as defined in reference and its sequence length are required parameters.
python AmpliCoNE-count.py --GENE_DEF hg38_amplicone_files/gene_definition_hg38.tab --ANNOTATION hg38_amplicone_files/hg38_Ychromosome_annotation.tab --BAM test_data/test.bam --CHR Y --LENGTH 57227415
The length of the chromosome must be set while using AmpliCoNE for a reference other than hg38.
--LENGTH <int> (default:57227415; length of Y chromosome in hg38)
Parameter to define if the BAM file contains single end reads.
AmpliCoNE-count will generate two output files:
A tab separated file with the ampliconic gene family copy number. First column will have the family name. Second column will have the gene copy number estimated using all the sites on Y with mappability 1. Third column will have the gene copy number estimated using the X-degenerate genes (CONTROL) defined in gene definition file.
For example:
GeneFamily | CopyNumber(MAP=1) | CopyNumber(XDG) |
BPY2 | 3 | 3 |
CDY | 4 | 4 |
DAZ | 4 | 4 |
HSFY | 2 | 2 |
PRY | 2 | 2 |
RBMY | 7 | 7 |
TSPY | 22 | 22 |
VCY | 4 | 4 |
XKRY | 2 | 2 |
A tab separated file with two columns. First column will have the X-degenerate gene (XDG) ids. Second column will have the gene copy number estimates.
For example:
Gene | CopyNumber(MAP=1) |
GeneID1 | 1 |
GeneID2 | 1 |
GeneID3 | 1 |
GeneID4 | 1 |
XDG_CopyNumber.txt file can provide information about the quality of sample. We can check if the estimates of the CONTROL genes copy number is close to one.
Before running in a different species, you must first perform steps 1-3 below. This needs to be run only once, and then the resulting files can be reused when analyzing dataset from same species. After these steps, AmpliCoNE-count can be run for each sample to estimate copy number, as described above.
The pre-requisite files for most genomes can be downloaded from UCSC genome browser. Make sure that the chromosome annotation (chrY, Y) is the same in all the files. If the files are not available for download, please generate them using GEM-library, RepeatMasker, and TandemRepeatFinder tools.
Reference genome (Example : hg38, FASTA format)
Note: The Y chromosome should be present as one continuous scaffold in the reference file.
Reference specific mappability file (Generated using GEM library; BED format)
#Steps to generate mappability
gem-indexer -i <REF.fa> -o <REF.fa> --complement emulate --verbose
gem-mappability -I <REF.fa.gem> -l 101 -o <OUT_MAPPABILITY> -m 2 -e 2
gem-2-wig -I <REF.fa.gem> -i <OUT_MAPPABILITY.mappability> -o <WIG_OUT_MAPPABILITY>
Reference specific RepeatMasker output (.out file)
Reference specific Tandem Repeat Finder output (BED format)
NOTE: For gene copies in control, the gene family name (3rd column) should be "CONTROL".(case sensitive)
How to generate the file:
NOTE: All the locations >99% identity representing a gene family should be present on Y chromosome only. Each gene copy within a family should be represented as a row in the gene definition file.
For human ampliconic genes the gene definition file is available here. Below is an example file:
100 | 300 | GF1 |
750 | 1050 | GF1 |
3000 | 3300 | GF1 |
9900 | 10900 | GF2 |
2220 | 2320 | GF2 |
3500 | 3750 | CONTROL |
4190 | 4420 | CONTROL |
4770 | 5040 | CONTROL |
sh AmpliCoNE-build.sh -c chrY -i <REF.fasta> -m <REF_MAPPABILITY.bed> -r <REF_REPMASK.out> -t <REF_TRF.bed> -g <Gene_Definition.tab> -o chrY_annotation.tab
Use the output file (annotation file) from AmpliCoNE-build.sh and gene definition file to run AmpliCoNE-count.py and estimate the gene family copy numbers.
python AmpliCoNE-count.py --GENE_DEF <Gene_Definition.tab> --ANNOTATION <chrY_annotation.tab> --BAM <BAM> --CHR <chr> --LENGTH <int>