Based on early version of a proof of concept REPL environment for Dart from a pair of articles by Andreas Kirsch and an example in the Dart SDK tests and the recharge package
for better repl ergonomicspub activate
for package to run its binary instead of shell script?? - not clear if this is a workable approach
To install the repl use:
dart pub global activate repl
Then as long as the pub system cache is on your path you can run it using: drepl
You can currently use expressions and statements as well as a few built-in's are supported (see below), its already possible to do a few useful things with the REPL.
For instance you can do JS style IIFE's:
> (){final data = ['this', 'is', 'a', 'test']; for(int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) print(data[i]); }()
But of course that is a bit contrived an example as you could also do:
> ['this', 'is', 'a', 'test'].forEach((x) => print(x))
Some statements are also possible, eg.
> int sqr(int a) => a*a;
> sqr(5)
> 25
- print to output
- trigger a hot-reload (doesn't work well at the moment)
see the cli_repl package documentation for supported short-cut keys.
Clone this repo, then from the top level of this repo and then run using:
dart bin/main.dart
A more powerful though much more involved implmentation route would be to use the Dart embedding API, perhaps via FFI to avoid needing to deal with too much c/c++ dev, assuming its possible for DartVM to call into itself via FFI using the embedding api?
All contributions: PRs, bug reports, feature requests, documentation are most welcome.
Contribution guidelines: TODO.