maksyuki / vscode-wave-viewer-1

this is the vscode extension for verilog waredorm view based on ts/js and d3.js.
GNU General Public License v3.0
2 stars 0 forks source link


1. Introduction

This is the VSCode extension for verilog waredorm view based on ts/js and d3.js.

This extension renders signal dumps into specified svg.

2. Installation

git clone # clone this library
npm install            # normaldependencies
npm install --only=dev # developement only dedpendencies

3. Build and Test

  1. If you develop under WinOS, you can run following npm commands in cmd or powershell directly.
    npm run build          # build and bundle code to 'dist' folder
    npm test               # run tests(optional)
    npm run coveralls      # run coverage tests(optional)
  2. If you develop under Linux or MacOS, you need to modify package.json first before you run npm commands:
    // "build": "rmdir /s/q dist && mkdir dist && set NODE_ENV=production && rollup -c"
    "build": "rm -rf dist && mkdir dist && NODE_ENV=production rollup -c"

// "clean": "rmdir /s/q dist/ node_modules/" "clean": "rm -rf dist/ node_modules/"

//"test": "set NODE_ENV=development && jest" "test": "NODE_ENV=development jest"

//"coveralls": "set NODE_ENV=development && jest --coverage && type ./tests/coverage/ | coveralls" "coveralls": "NODE_ENV=development jest --coverage && cat ./tests/coverage/ | coveralls"

## 4. Run
### 4.1 Run in browser
If you have installed `python3+` and added it to the environment path, enter the following command:
python -m http.server

If you have installed python2+, enter the following command:

python -m SimpleHTTPServer
  1. This command will start a http server( in current folder.
  2. Open this address in browser( and click link on page to visit the ./examples/viewer.html to run example.

4.2 Run in VSCode

  1. Open the vscode-wave-viewer-1 folder in VSCode, and press F5 to run the extenion in debug mode.

  2. Press Ctrl+Shift+P to open command palette and enter wave viewer to run extension.

4.3 Open the VCD file

  1. After you run in browser or in VSCode, click select file buttion in page.
  2. Select the json file ./examples/vcd_small_*.json or ./examples/vcd_middle.json, and then the waveform will display on the screen.

5. Features

6. Acknowledgements