This will be a sample project with Drupal to introduce new members with Drupal and also to get experiences
# Start it using ddev
ddev start
# Install the dependencies
ddev composer install
# Install the basic site
ddev exec drush site-install --account-name=admin --account-pass=admin -y
# Set the site UUID
ddev exec drush cset uuid "0658b3a3-3a93-4697-b4d2-d35ee938dd15" -y
# Remove conflicting entities
ddev exec drush eval \'\\Drupal\:\:entityManager\(\)\-\>getStorage\(\"shortcut_set\"\)\-\>load\(\"default\"\)\-\>delete\(\)\;\'
# Load the database structure
ddev exec drush config-import --source=config-export -y
# Rebuild cache
ddev exec drush cache-rebuild