Angular module using fuse.js to fuzzy-search through a list of objects. Also easily highlight matched terms which is the true added value of this module.
This module is available through npm. It is compatible with module bundlers (webpack / browserify ...).
npm install angular-fusejs
into your module:
import {FusejsModule} from 'angular-fusejs'
imports: [
Use fusejs
pipe in a *ngFor to search through a list of elements. Pass search string as first parameter. Pass fusejs option object as second parameter (optional):
<li *ngFor="let element of (listOfElement | fusejs:searchString:{keys: ['name', 'author']})"></li>
Supports all fusejs options (see and also those:
By default, here are the options set by angular-fusejs:
supportHighlight: true,
shouldSort: false,
threshold: 0.6,
location: 0,
distance: 100,
maxPatternLength: 32,
minMatchCharLength: 2,
includeScore: true,
minSearchTermLength: 3,
fusejsHighlightKey: 'fuseJsHighlighted',
fusejsScoreKey: 'fuseJsScore',
You can override those default options by injecting FusejsService
in your app and setting FusejsService.defaultOptions
to whatever you want.
Replace whateverAttribute
with your attribute name, trust it as HTML and you are good to go.
I made this just for fun, to learn a bit more about fuzzy search + angular. Fuzzy search + detecting what should be highlighted is 100% handled by fuse.js.
If you encounter any bug, please check who is the culprit before submitting an issue - it might be a bug in fuse.js library.