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intermediate-script.cs: error CS1038: #endregion directive expected #41

Open dosluke opened 3 days ago

dosluke commented 3 days ago

1>Writing intermediate script to C:\Users\me\source\repos\NewFancyFlightInfo\obj\intermediate-script.WhitespaceTrimmer.cs 1>Verifying that nothing went wrong 1>C:\Users\me\source\repos\NewFancyFlightInfo\obj\intermediate-script.cs(597,7): error CS1038: #endregion directive expected 1>Failed to compile the project.

i checked every cs file in the solution and they all close the in-game region directive with an endregion. I opened the intermediate script and this is what i found: first line: #region pre-script using System; using System.Linq;

a ways down:

`public class Program : MyGridProgram {


#region in-game


a ways down: ` }

#region post-script

} class Skin`

no other region directives past that in the intermediate file.

my Program.cs file in which that last section of code came from DOES close the regions(the first endregion is from the in-game region above the code):

`}; }

    #region post-script



dosluke commented 3 days ago

removing the region post-script and its associated endregion is a workaround, the script builds/deploys after that

malware-dev commented 3 days ago

Thanks. I think I see the problem immediately without opening the project. Region directives must be the only thing on the line.