malfoyslastname / character-card-spec-v2

An updated specification for AI character cards.
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Character Card V2: Explainer

UPDATE June 22th 2023:

UPDATE June 4th 2023:

UPDATE May 17th 2023:

UPDATE May 8th 2023:

Repository map

Table of contents


The Character Card V2 Specification is a proposal for a new format for character cards containing new fields. It is aimed to be adopted by the ecosystem of projects currently using the unofficial "V1" specification, meaning:

If your project has been omitted, please get in contact via the General discussion issue.

Note: The main Tavern branch and their character repository Characloud has already drifted from this ecosystem, so although we aim to remain compatible with their ecosystem, consensus between the above-mentioned projects is the main priority.

Briefly, the aims of this V2 spec are:

Details for each field are included below.

Proposed fields

The V1 (current) spec can be described with this TypeScript definition:

type TavernCardV1 = {
  name: string
  description: string
  personality: string
  scenario: string
  first_mes: string
  mes_example: string

The V2 spec can be described with:

type TavernCardV2 = {
  spec: 'chara_card_v2'
  spec_version: '2.0' // May 8th addition
  data: {
    name: string
    description: string
    personality: string
    scenario: string
    first_mes: string
    mes_example: string

    // New fields start here
    creator_notes: string
    system_prompt: string
    post_history_instructions: string
    alternate_greetings: Array<string>
    character_book?: CharacterBook

    // May 8th additions
    tags: Array<string>
    creator: string
    character_version: string
    extensions: Record<string, any> // see details for explanation

 * ? as in `name?: string` means the `name` property may be absent from the JSON
 * (aka this property is optional)
 * FRONTENDS, however they must never be destroyed if already in the data.
 * the `extensions` properties may contain arbitrary key-value pairs, but you are encouraged
 * to namespace the keys to prevent conflicts, and you must never destroy
 * unknown key-value pairs from the data. `extensions` is mandatory and must
 * default to `{}`. `extensions` exists for the character book itself, and for
 * each entry.
type CharacterBook = {
  name?: string
  description?: string
  scan_depth?: number // agnai: "Memory: Chat History Depth"
  token_budget?: number // agnai: "Memory: Context Limit"
  recursive_scanning?: boolean // no agnai equivalent. whether entry content can trigger other entries
  extensions: Record<string, any>
  entries: Array<{
    keys: Array<string>
    content: string
    extensions: Record<string, any>
    enabled: boolean
    insertion_order: number // if two entries inserted, lower "insertion order" = inserted higher
    case_sensitive?: boolean

    name?: string // not used in prompt engineering
    priority?: number // if token budget reached, lower priority value = discarded first

    id?: number // not used in prompt engineering
    comment?: string // not used in prompt engineering
    selective?: boolean // if `true`, require a key from both `keys` and `secondary_keys` to trigger the entry
    secondary_keys?: Array<string> // see field `selective`. ignored if selective == false
    constant?: boolean // if true, always inserted in the prompt (within budget limit)
    position?: 'before_char' | 'after_char' // whether the entry is placed before or after the character defs

A frontend supporting both V1 and V2 would hence use a type looking like:

type TavernCard = TavernCardV1 | TavernCardV2

What this means in plain JavaScript terms is that given a card named chara:

If chara.spec === undefined, then you can be sure that the card contains nothing but:

And all these fields are mandatory (empty string being the default). This is the "V1" specification.

If chara.spec === 'chara_card_v2', then you can be sure that the following fields are present (empty string as the default unless specified otherwise): may or may not be present.

The reason why old and new fields are nested into a data object in the V2 spec is to prevent V1-only editors (e.g. ZoltanAI, if the creator cannot be reached) from successfully loading a V2 card, but silently destroying its V2-only fields.


The value for this field should be "chara_card_v2".

Ensuring character cards have a spec field will make it easier to create more card formats in the future, if needed.


A field where creators can include information that will never be included in the prompts.

Frontends should aim to make the information in this field as discoverable as possible so that botmakers can effectively communicate important usage notes, for example:

Screen estate for at least one paragraph' worth of text should be reserved somewhere discoverable. The existing field on named "Tagline" could map to creator_notes.


Up until now, system prompt was set by the user in the frontend settings. An example of common system prompt wording might be:

Write {{char}}'s next reply in a fictional chat between {{char}} and {{user}}. Write 1 reply only in internet RP style, italicize actions, and avoid quotation marks. Use markdown. Be proactive, creative, and drive the plot and conversation forward. Write at least 1 paragraph, up to 4. Always stay in character and avoid repetition.

The Character Card V2 project proposes that cards may contain their own system prompt, meant to completely replace the system prompt set by the user.

In order to give back to botmakers control over the experience users have with their bots, this spec requires that the default behavior be for this new system_prompt to override the user's global system prompt, except if system_prompt is an empty string. (In the case of an empty string, frontends should fall back to the user's global system prompt or to an internal default.)

Frontends may still add a setting for the user's global system prompt to override this field, but it should not be the default. Alternatively, users can simply edit the card if they aren't satisfied with the botmaker's system prompt.

Frontends may, if they want, create a setting for a text that is appended or prepended to the character system prompts, but this setting should be different from what is currently understood as the user system prompt.


It was discovered recently (months later than the invention of Tavern cards) that system instructions written after the conversation history have a much stronger weight on current models' generations than instructions written before the conversation history (specifically, the system prompt and the description field).

This has been implemented for users to exploit in certain frontends as a user setting. In Agnai, it's called "UJB" (ultimate jailbreak). In Silly, it's called "Jailbreak".

The Character Card V2 project proposes that botmakers should be able to choose to handle this for the user, if desired. The variety of post-history instructions users are employing makes it very difficult for a botmaker to predict how their bot will behave for others, and indeed, often causes users to have poorer experiences than the botmakers intended.

In order to give back to botmakers control over the experience users have with their bots, this spec requires that the default behavior be for this new post_history_instructions to override what is currently named the Agnai UJB and the Silly Jailbreak, except if post_history_instructions is an empty string. (In the case of an empty string, frontends should fall back to the user's global UJB/Jailbreak or to an internal default.)

Frontends may still add a setting for the user's global system prompt to override this field, but it should not be the default. Alternatively, users can simply edit the card if they aren't satisfied with the botmaker's post-history instructions.

Frontends may, if they want, create a setting for a text that is appended or prepended to the character post-history instructions, but this setting should be different from what is currently understood as the UJB/Jailbreak.


This field would be an array of strings, each representing an additional alternate greeting to the one stored in the first_mes field. This would allow botmakers to offer different starting scenarios for the same character.

The expected UX for this field is similar to the current "swiping" mechanisms Agnai and Silly have implemented for non-greeting bot messages.


First, let's define some terms we'll use:

It has become very common for character cards to be meant to be used in combination with a specific World book. However, botmakers are not confident that users are properly getting their recommended world books, and the extra effort required for users to download and import external worldbooks turns them away from using this kind of character card.

Character books should stack with world books, not replace them (this is a recommendation and not a requirement). If a user has an active world book, and a character card has a character, then the active chat should pull from both books. (The two lorebooks may use different weighing scales, so it is proposed that the Character Book should be used first, and then if there is any remaining space allocated for the prompt's lorebook section, the World Book should be used second.)

The format used will be neither Agnai's nor Silly's, but should be compatible with the current features of both. Frontends may choose not to ignore fields they don't support, but are encouraged try to adapt them to their own system. Code examples for this will be provided in a future draft of this repository.

The Character Card V2 spec needs to use a different format for Character Books than Agnai's and Silly's, because their format might change over time. We do not want other frontends to have to keep up with the format changes of other frontends, so there should be an immutable spec for character cards.

More proposed fields as of May 8th 2023


Must be (tentatively) "2.0".

If spec indicates a "major version", spec_version indicates "minor versions", or extensions to an existing spec. Future minor versions for the same spec MUST be non-breaking, i.e. they may add fields, but not remove them or change the type of existing fields. This will make it easier to extend the Character Card V2 spec in the future.


An array of strings containing tags helping to categorize character cards. These tags SHOULD NOT appear in the prompt, and SHOULD NOT be used for prompt engineering. (Botmakers do not expect the tags to be used for this purpose.) Tags MAY be used for UI sorting and filtering (case-insensitive recommended).

No standardization specified, the tag strings are completely free. and the pygmalion booru already have tags, so V1 cards can be easily converted to V2 with tags, at least on characterhub.


The name of the creator of the card.

Already present on, can be automatically added with no effort on the botmaker's part. also already supports anonymous upload, so there's no issue with accidentally putting a botmaker's name if they don't want to.


Version of the character card.

It's common for people to download multiple versions of the same character. This field will make it possible for applications to more easily distinguish between versions. Characterhub has an automatic versioning system already, so for users of characterhub this is no additional effort on their part.

NOTE: This is currently specified as a string, not a number.


This field is for applications to store extra data that is not part of the specification.

Its default value is {}.

It's an object whose property names must be strings, and whose property values may be any valid JSON value. Consider it a space where applications can store any data not codified by the Character Card V2 specification.

Any application importing V2 character cards must be careful not to destroy unknown fields inside the extensions object.


  "data": {
    "extensions": {
      "text_color": "#ff3333",
      "agnai/voice": { "service": "elevenlabs", "id": "Bella" },
      "risu": {
        "expressions": {
          "happy": "",
          "sad": ""