mallahyari / drqa

How to create Question-Answering system combining Langchain and OpenAI
171 stars 28 forks source link
langchain llms openai openai-api qdrant-vector-database question-answer-generation question-answering semantic-search vector-database

Leveraging LangChain and Large Language Models for Accurate PDF-Based Question Answering

system architecure

This repo is to help you build a powerful question answering system that can accurately answer questions by combining Langchain and large language models (LLMs) including OpenAI's GPT3 models.

The image shows the architechture of the system and you can change the code based on your needs. The main components of this code:

Quick start

If you are going to use Qdrant Cloud, then you need to sign up and get your API_KEY and HOST_URL. Otherwise you can run Qdrant locally. You can check out the documentation here. You also need OpenAI api key.

After getting your keys, you have to create a .env file in backend/app directory with the following information:


Clone the repo:

git clone

Running the frontend is very straightforward. You simply go to the frontend directory and run:

npm install
npm start

For running the backend, first create a virtual environment and then from backend/app directory run:

pip install -r requirements.txt


This repo can be used as a general guide line for how to combine your own data with LLMs with other frameworks like Langchain, LlamaIndex. Also, since it only uses OpenAI for final response generation, it reduces the API call cost significantly.

Future improvements

Discussion and Contribution

If you have any comment or feedback, please don't hesitate to use the Discussions section and open a new topic. You can also reach out directly via Linkedin or Twitter