mallgroup / mpapi-client-php

MPAPI client is a PHP tool created to help Internet Mall, a. s. partners easily manage article catalog, deliveries, orders, etc. using Mall Marketplace API.
Apache License 2.0
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Client v4 Beta testing - feedback and suggestions #25

Closed michalsalon-mall closed 2 years ago

michalsalon-mall commented 2 years ago


a new beta version of the client was released recently: v4.0.0-beta

We would like to collect any comments and suggestions from you, before the final release.

If you have any questions regarding v4, you may post them here too.

Thank you.

Known issues:

koblihcz commented 2 years ago

Proč když aktualizuji dostupnost dle příkladu se neaktualizuje sdostupnost přes endpoint Availability a chybí mi podpora nebo špastně hledám pro dávkovou aktualizaci. Když už MALL tak tlačí na ty limity requestů, bylo by fajn kdyby taky pro to něco udělal.

michalsalon-mall commented 2 years ago

Hello @koblihcz,

you are looking at the old v3 client examples. Here are examples for client v4 with batch availability:

In case you have any more questions, do not hesitate to ask.

michalsalon-mall commented 2 years ago

As of today, version 4 has been officially released. If you find any problems, please open a new issue.

Thank you.