mallgroup / mpapi-client-php

MPAPI client is a PHP tool created to help Internet Mall, a. s. partners easily manage article catalog, deliveries, orders, etc. using Mall Marketplace API.
Apache License 2.0
6 stars 19 forks source link

License PHPStan Psalm

Mall Marketplace API Client


MPAPI client is a tool created to help Internet Mall, a. s. partners easily manage article catalogue, deliveries, orders etc. using Mall Marketplace API.



To install the client using Composer run following command in your repository

composer require mallgroup/mpapi-client



Client consists of one main client and multiple, separate, domain clients.

The main client groups all domain clients under one object, for easier implementation, but every domain client can be initialized and used by itself.

Every client provides an interface that SHOULD be used as parameter types in code, instead of client classes themselves (i.e., use MpApiClientInterface $client or BrandsClientInterface $client instead of MpApiClient $client or BrandsClient $client).

When initializing the client, you MUST provide

  1. an authenticator implementing AuthMiddlewareInterface
    • currently, only ClientIdAuthenticator, which accepts my-client-id, is provided
    • in the future, new authenticators will be released (i.e., OAuth)
  2. name of the app using the API
    • it is sent with every request to Mall API for easier request identification and debugging of reported issues
    • please provide a simple, yet meaningful name, i.e., MyAppName CRM or MyAppName Order sync instead of a random string


There are 2 main ways to initialize the client

1. Using MpApiClient with default config

<?php declare(strict_types=1);

use MpApiClient\Common\Authenticators\ClientIdAuthenticator;
use MpApiClient\MpApiClient;
use MpApiClient\MpApiClientOptions;

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

// 1. Initialize client options with request authenticator
$options = new MpApiClientOptions(
    new ClientIdAuthenticator('my-client-id')

// 2. Initialize MP API Client
$client = MpApiClient::createFromOptions('my-app-name', $options);

// 3. Get brand client
$brandClient = $client->brand();

2. Using MpApiClient (or any other domain client) with custom http client

<?php declare(strict_types=1);

use GuzzleHttp\Client;
use GuzzleHttp\Handler\CurlHandler;
use GuzzleHttp\HandlerStack;
use MpApiClient\Brand\BrandClient;
use MpApiClient\Common\Authenticators\ClientIdAuthenticator;
use MpApiClient\MpApiClient;
use MpApiClient\MpApiClientOptions;

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

// 1. Initialize request authenticator
$authenticator = new ClientIdAuthenticator('my-client-id');

// 2. Create custom Guzzle http client with authenticator middleware

// 2.1 Create CurlHandler stack and Guzzle http client manually
$handler      = new CurlHandler();
$handlerStack = HandlerStack::create($handler);

$httpClient = new Client(
        'base_uri'        => '',
        'timeout'         => 10,
        'allow_redirects' => true,
        'handler'         => $handlerStack,

// 2.2. Create Guzzle client using MpApiClientOptions object
$options = new MpApiClientOptions($authenticator);

$httpClient = new Client($options->getGuzzleOptionsArray());

// 3. Create MpApiClient and BrandClient using custom Guzzle client
$client      = new MpApiClient($httpClient, 'my-app-name')
$brandClient = new BrandClient($httpClient, 'my-app-name')

Examples for all client domains

List of custom Exceptions thrown in this client can be found here

⚠ Warning

ℹ Known missing or incomplete features