malteos / finetune-evaluation-harness

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This project is a unified framework for evaluation of various language models on a large number of different evaluation tasks. Some of the features of this framework:

Getting Started

To evaluate a model (eg GERMAN-BERT) on task, please use something like this:

Evaluation via CLI

finetune-eval-harness --model_name_or_path bert-base-german-cased \
    --task_list germeval2018 \
    --results_logging_dir /sample/directory/results \
    --output_dir /sample/directory/results

Evaluation via Python

import finetune_eval_harness


Please refer to the latest package details here:

This framework is build on top of Huggingface Transformers, hence all keyword arguments used in regular HF transformers library work here as well.

Some Important Arguments

--model_name_or_path MODEL_NAME_OR_PATH
    Path to pretrained model or model identifier from (default: None)

--task_list TASK_LIST [TASK_LIST ...]
    List of tasks passed in order. (default: None) eg germeval2018, germeval2017, gnad10, german_europarl

--results_logging_dir RESULTS_LOGGING_DIR
   Where do you want to save the results of the run as a json file (default: None)

--output_dir OUTPUT_DIR
    The output directory where the model predictions and checkpoints will be written. (default: None)

--num_train_epochs NUM_TRAIN_EPOCHS
    Total number of training epochs to perform. (default: 1.0)

--per_device_train_batch_size PER_DEVICE_TRAIN_BATCH_SIZE
    Batch size per GPU/TPU core/CPU for training. (default: 8)

--use_fast_tokenizer [USE_FAST_TOKENIZER]
    Whether to use one of the fast tokenizer (backed by the tokenizers library) or not. (default: True)

If you fail to understand what any of the paramater does, --help is your friend.

Some of the Tasks

For a detailed list of tasks, please use


['germeval2018', 'germeval2017', 'gnad10', 'german_ner_legal', 'german_europarl', 'german_quad', 'spanish_quad', 'wiki_cat_es', 'spanish_conll', 'flue', 'spanish_ehealth', 'szeged_ner', 'polish_dyk', 'mapa', 'eur_lux', 'ehealth_kd', 'rucola', 'klej_dyk', 'croatian_sentiment', 'finish_sentiment', 'swedish_ner', 'greek_legal', 'bulgarian_sentiment', 'czech_subjectivity', 'danish_misogyny', 'slovak_sentiment', 'maltese_sentiment', 'dutch_social']

Implementing New Tasks

To implement a new evaluation task, see this guide.

Evaluating the Coverage of the Current Code

Please go to Github Actions sections of this repository and start the build named "Evaluate", this would check if the coverage on existing code is more than 80%. The build status is also visible on the main repo page.

Guidelines On Running Tasks
