A * pathfinder algorithm experiments on a maze
maze & start & end points:
In games we often want to find paths from one location to another. We’re not only trying to find the shortest distance; we also want to take into account travel time.
Breadth First Search explores equally in all directions. This is an incredibly useful algorithm, not only for regular path finding, but also for procedural map generation, flow field pathfinding, distance maps, and other types of map analysis.
Dijkstra’s Algorithm (also called Uniform Cost Search) lets us prioritize which paths to explore. Instead of exploring all possible paths equally, it favors lower cost paths. We can assign lower costs to encourage moving on roads, higher costs to avoid forests, higher costs to discourage going near enemies, and more. When movement costs vary, we use this instead of Breadth First Search.
A is a modification of Dijkstra’s Algorithm that is optimized for a single destination. Dijkstra’s Algorithm can find paths to all locations; A finds paths to one location. It prioritizes paths that seem to be leading closer to the goal.
improve quality of code
lint / format code: DONE :v:
modularise code a bit more (get solver on its own folder so as to import it etc)
modularise the visualization / animation part
create random maps with a function: DONE :v: :game_die::game_die::game_die:
use other distance metrics in the algorithm?
integrate MAZEBOT API :
use a graphics library to visualise everything in 3d: TODO :scream: