manateelazycat / popweb

Show popup web window for Emacs
144 stars 16 forks source link


I always wanted a fast and responsive pop-up window to display multimedia content in Emacs, this includes web translation tooltip, LaTeX preview for math equations, code completion, color picker, etc. The creation and success of the Emacs Application Framework gave a solid foundation for this to happen.

I consider popweb to be a sister project, and a lightweight version of EAF that particularly focuses on multimedia popup functionality, some portion of code is shared between the two projects.


  1. Install PyQt6: pip install PyQt6 PyQt6-Qt6 PyQt6-sip PyQt6-WebEngine PyQt6-WebEngine-Qt6 (macOS need install pyobjc additionally)
  2. Install python-epc: pip install epc sexpdata
  3. Install browser_cookie3(optional, for import cookies from browser): pip install browser_cookie3
  4. Clone or download this repository (path of the folder is the <path-to-popweb> used below).
  5. In your ~/.emacs, add the following lines:
    (add-to-list 'load-path "<path-to-popweb>") ; add popweb to your load-path

;; Org-Roam ID link and footnote link previewer (add-to-list 'load-path "/extension/org-roam") (require 'popweb-org-roam-link)

;; LaTeX preview functionality (add-to-list 'load-path "/extension/latex") (require 'popweb-latex) (add-hook 'latex-mode-hook #'popweb-latex-mode)

;; Chinese-English translation popup (add-to-list 'load-path "/extension/dict") ; (require 'popweb-dict)

;; Anki note review popup (add-to-list 'load-path "/extension/anki-review") (require 'popweb-anki-review)

## Usage
* `popweb-latex-mode`: LaTeX math equations preview in `org-mode` and `latex-mode`.
* `M-x popweb-dict-bing-pointer`: Translation at point with Bing
* `M-x popweb-dict-bing-input`: Translation given an input with Bing
* `M-x popweb-dict-youdao-pointer`: Translation at point with Youdao
* `M-x popweb-dict-youdao-input`: Translation given an input with Youdao
* `M-x popweb-dict-youglish-pointer`: Translation at point with
* `M-x popweb-dict-youglish-input`: Translation given an input with
* `M-x popweb-dict-dictcn-pointer`: Translation at point with
* `M-x popweb-dict-dictcn-input`: Translation given an input with
* `M-x popweb-org-roam-link-show`: Preview Org-Roam ID link or footnote link at point.
* `M-x popweb-org-roam-link-preview-select` Select one of all Org-Roam ID links and footnote links in a Org-mode buffer by ivy, then preview the content of link.
* `M-x popweb-org-roam-node-preview-select` Select one Org-Roam node by ivy, then hit `C-M-m ivy-call` to preview the content of node without exit ivy windown.
* `M-x popweb-import-browser-cookies` Import cookies for the specified domain name.
* `M-x popweb-anki-review-show` Marked a region then execute this command, or just call this command then input the query. Even use `C-u popweb-anki-review-show` to grab sentence automatically for you. After the window popup use mouse select the `word` to review in Anki notes.
## Screenshots
### LaTeX Preview
<p align="center">
  <img width="800" src="">

### Bing Translation
<p align="center">
  <img width="800" src="">

### Youdao Translation
<p align="center">
  <img width="800" src="">

### Youglish Translation
<p align="center">
  <img width="800" src="">

### Org-Roam ID link and footnote link Preview
<p align="center">
  <img width="800" src="">

### Org-Roam node preview
<p align="center">
  <img width="800" src="">

## Customization
### Configure popup position using `popweb-popup-pos`
  - `"point-bottom"`: bottom of the cursor, default
  - `"point-bottom-right"`: bottom-right of the cursor
  - `"top-left"`: top-left of the screen
  - `"top-right"`: top-right of the screen
  - `"bottom-left"`: bottom-left: of the screen
  - `"bottom-right"`: bottom-right of the screen

### Proxy
If you need to use a proxy to access the internet, one can configure the proxy settings.

(setq popweb-proxy-type "http")
(setq popweb-proxy-host "")
(setq popweb-proxy-port "1080")

If you use Socks5 as a local proxy, one can set proxy type with:

(setq popweb-proxy-type "socks5")

Font size

If you think the font of popup web page is too small, you can change value of popweb-zoom-factor.

(setq popweb-zoom-factor 1.5)

Configure Org-Roam link popup window size

(setq popweb-org-roam-link-popup-window-width-scale 0.8)
(setq popweb-org-roam-link-popup-window-height-scale 0.5)

Popup window scales to Emacs's.

Configure Url-Preivew popup window size

You can choose either scaled to emacs or in pixes by customizing

(setq popweb-url-web-window-size-use-absolute t)

Scaled to emacs

(setq popweb-url-web-window-width-scale 0.8)
(setq popweb-url-web-window-height-scale 0.45)

Popup window scales to Emacs's.


(setq popweb-url-web-window-width-absolute 480)
(setq popweb-url-web-window-height-absolute 270)

Popup window's size in pixels

Config Anki note review media directory and install python playsound package

If you when to play Anki note sound file, configure the Anki media direction.

(setq popweb-anki-review-media-directory <path-to-Anki-media-directory>)

then install python playsound package.

python3 -m pip install playsound

Customize callback method, for example:

(setq popweb-anki-review-callback "popweb-dict-eudic-dicts-input")

Open developer tools

You can set option popweb-enable-developer-tools with t, then you can debug popweb page like normal browser does.

Report bug

Please use emacs -q and load a minimal setup with only popweb to verify that the bug is reproducible. If emacs -q works fine, probably something is wrong with your Emacs config.

If the problem persists, please report it here with *popweb* buffer content, it contains many clues that can help us locate the problem faster.

If you get a segfault error, please use the following way to collect crash information:

  1. Install gdb and turn on option popweb-enable-debug
  2. Use the command popweb-stop-process to stop the current process
  3. Restart popweb, send issue with *popweb* buffer content when next crash
