manatlan / guy

Graphics User Ynterface : a simple module for making GUI applications (with html/js) for py3 ... to target windows, linux, mac & android
Apache License 2.0
202 stars 23 forks source link

GUY is a py3 module, which let you quickly release a GUI (html/js) for yours python (>=3.5) scripts, targetting any platforms ... and android too.

A simple guy's app code, could be :

from guy import Guy

class Simple(Guy):
    """<button onclick="self.test()">test</button>"""

    async def test(self):
        print("Your name is", await self.js.prompt("What's your name ?") )

if __name__ == "__main__":

A guy's app can be runned in 3 modes :

A guy's app can be released as :

Read the Guy's DOCUMENTATION !

Available on :

Here is a demo (sources), of a simple guy's app (server mode).

Here is a demo (sources), of a guy's app serving a vuejs/sfc UI.

Here is a simple guy's app (app mode):

On Ubuntu
On Android10

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If you want to build guy app, without any html/js/css knowlegments, you can try gtag : it's a guy sub module which let you build GUI/GUY app in more classical/python3 way.