mandiant / AuditParser

Apache License 2.0
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Written by Ryan Kazanciyan at Mandiant

Audit Parser was designed to convert the raw XML output generated by by Mandiant Intelligent Response, Redline, or IOC Finder into tab-delimited text files. These files contain extensive evidence from disk, registry, event logs, memory, and other parsed Windows artifacts that can be used for live response analysis. The tab-delimited data can easily be reviewed in spreadsheet applications like Microsoft Excel.

Audit Parser is written in Python and requires the "lxml" library ( An EXE package converted via Py2Exe is also provided with this distribution.


Step 1 - Collect and Analyze Evidence!

Use IOC Finder or Redline to collect evidence from your target system. Redline version 1.6 or later is recommended.

If using Redline, select "Create a Comprehensive Collector" in the start-up screen. This will build a collection script that gathers sufficient data for live response analysis. It will also let you further edit the script to enable, disable, or change settings for each audit modules as desired.

Step 2 - Parse with Audit Parser

Run Audit Parser against the directory containing your IOC Finder or Redline audit results: -i input_path -o output_path

Timeline Option -i input_path -o output_path --timeline --starttime yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ --endtime yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ

The --timeline switch is optional; if enabled, --starttime and --endtime must be provided. This will produce a file named "timeline.txt" in the output directory containing a sorted timeline of File, Event Log, Registry, Process, and Prefetch items that fall within the supplied time range. Other audit types are not yet supported.

An example of a valid date format for the --starttime and --endtime options: 2012-01-01T00:00:00Z

Step 3 - Review the Data

Once Audit Parser has completed, your specified output directory will contain tab-delimited text files - each named identically to its corresponding input file. You can easily view, sort, and filter the columns and rows within these files files using a spreadsheet application like Excel, CSV file-viewers like "CSVed" or "CSVFileView", import them into a database, etc.

The following list summarizes the types of audit results that a Redline comprehensive collector will acquire, and its output file naming conventions.
Since Audit Parser retains the original input filename, this can help you quickly identify what's-what when looking at a directory full of processed results.

Redline Output Filename Prefix : Corresponding Evidence