mandubian / play-json-alone

Sample of Play2.2-SNAPSHOT JSON API used stand-alone
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Playing with Play2.2-SNAPSHOT SCALA JSON API Stand-alone (until Play2.2 is released)

In a very recent Pull Request, play-json has been modularized in Play2.2-SNAPSHOT master as play-iteratees.

It means:

These are pure Scala generic pieces of code from Play framework so no Netty or whatever dependencies in it.
You can then import play-json in your project without any fear of bringing unwanted deps.

play-json will be released with future Play2.2 certainly so meanwhile, I provide a build published in my Maven Github repository.
Even if the version is SNAPSHOT, be aware that this is the version released in Play2.1.0.
This API has reached a good stability level. Enhancements and bug corrections will be brought to it but it's production-ready right now.

Adding play-json 2.2-SNAPSHOT in your dependencies

In your Build.scala, add:

import sbt._
import Keys._

object ApplicationBuild extends Build {

  val mandubianRepo = Seq(
    "Mandubian repository snapshots" at "",
    "Mandubian repository releases" at ""

  lazy val playJsonAlone = Project(
    BuildSettings.buildName, file("."),
    settings = BuildSettings.buildSettings ++ Seq(
      resolvers ++= mandubianRepo,
      libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
        "play"        %% "play-json" % "2.2-SNAPSHOT",
        "org.specs2"  %% "specs2" % "1.13" % "test",
        "junit"        % "junit" % "4.8" % "test"

Using play-json 2.2-SNAPSHOT in your code:

Just import the following and get everything from Play2.1 Json API:

import play.api.libs.json._
import play.api.libs.functional._

case class EucalyptusTree(col:Int, row: Int)

object EucalyptusTree{
  implicit val fmt = Json.format[EucalyptusTree]

case class Koala(name: String, home: EucalyptusTree)

object Koala{
  implicit val fmt = Json.format[Koala]

val kaylee = Koala("kaylee", EucalyptusTree(10, 23))


    "name" -> "kaylee", 
    "home" -> Json.obj(
      "col" -> 10, 
      "row" -> 23

Using play-json, you can get some bits of Play Framework pure Web philosophy.
Naturally, to unleash its full power, don't hesitate to dive into Play Framework and discover 100% full Web Reactive Stack ;)

Thanks a lot to Play Framework team for promoting play-json as stand-alone module!
Lots of interesting features incoming soon ;)

Have fun!