manelferreira / serverless-sequelize-migrations

A Serverless plugin to manage sequelize migrations
MIT License
21 stars 17 forks source link

Serverless Sequelize Migrations

A plugin to manage sequelize migrations on serverless projects

GitHub stars npm
Built with :coffee: by Manoel Ferreira




1) Add Serverless Sequelize Migrations to your project:

npm install --save serverless-sequelize-migrations

2) Inside your serverless.yml file add the following entry to the plugins section (if there is no plugin section in the file you'll need to add it):

    - serverless-sequelize-migrations

You can check whether the plugin is ready to be used through the terminal. To do so, type the following command on the CLI:

serverless --help

the console should display SequelizeMigrations as one of the available plugins in your Serverless project.

Setting up Sequelize

For the plugin to work correctly, you have to set the database information as environment variables on the service provider section as follows:

    DB_DIALECT: 'database_dialect' /* one of 'mysql' | 'mariadb' | 'postgres' | 'mssql' */
    DB_NAME: 'database_name'
    DB_USERNAME: 'database_username'
    DB_PASSWORD: 'database_password'
    DB_HOST: 'database_host'
    DB_PORT: 'database_port'


    DB_CONNECTION_URL: database_dialect://database_username:database_password@database_host:database_port/database_name`

Replace the variables with the information of your own database.

Obs: This plugin does not have support to create the database itself.

As per Sequelize docs, you'll have to manually install the driver for your database of choice:

# One of the following:
$ npm install --save pg pg-hstore # Postgres
$ npm install --save mysql2 # MySQL
$ npm install --save mariadb # MariaDB
$ npm install --save tedious # Microsoft SQL Server

Usage and command line options

To see the available commands of the plugin, run sls migrations --help on the terminal. The following should appear:

migrations .................... Sequelize migrations management for Serverless
migrations create ............. Create a migration file
migrations up ................. Execute all pending migrations
migrations down ............... Rolls back one or more migrations
migrations reset .............. Rolls back all migrations
migrations list ............... Shows a list of migrations
    --path / -p ........................ Specify the migrations path (default is './migrations')
    --verbose / -v ..................... Shows sequelize logs

For any of these commands, you can specify two parameters:

In order to see the options of each command individually, you can run sls migrations <command> --help on the terminal.

The commands (those that have some option) and it's options are presented below:

Custom migrations path

You can also define a migrations path variable on the custom section of your project service file.

  migrationsPath: './custom/migrations/path'

Important: if you inform the --path option through the CLI, this configuration will be ignored.

Credits and inspiration

This plugin was first based on Nevon's serverless-pg-migrations.
