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[E-Hentai]Enhancement for next version #3370

Open doppler56 opened 3 years ago

doppler56 commented 3 years ago

For E-Hentai site, can "download original" be taken instead of the normal smaller graphic in the link? Sometime to save space a smaller graphic is shown. Only a "Download original link" at the bottom gives you the option to take the larger one.

To take the larger link, an account must be registered with E-Hentai. The username and password could be handled aka: Crunchyroll style or like other user logons.


ronny1982 commented 3 years ago

NOTE: If i remember correctly the original link is 3x more expensive (credits) so the daily limit could be reached much faster.

doppler56 commented 3 years ago

Credit debit and acceptance is account based. So that's why you must login to get the bigger picture. If you wait the debits go down slowly. Also you can be credit accepted by participating in torrents or upload (outside of haku). Please note you could reach the limit by just getting stuff. It just takes longer. In the next version you are writing it's possible be all a login checkmark to get larger if available. I only ask to include in next version, if not a pain in the ass to create.

ps. If you go hog wild and take a lot of big stuff. You will be limited quickly, but that's the reason for there system. Anti-leecher, got to protect yourself someway.