manga-download / hakuneko

Manga & Anime Downloader for Linux, Windows & MacOS
The Unlicense
4.4k stars 453 forks source link
anime anime-downloader manga manga-downloader manga-reader novel novel-downloader

= HakuNeko :toc: :numbered: :icons: font :linkattrs: :imagesdir: ./assets ifdef::env-github[] :tip-caption: :bulb: :note-caption: :information_source: :important-caption: :heavy_exclamation_mark: :caution-caption: :fire: :warning-caption: :warning: endif::[]

🏡 Website :

image:[link=, title="Join us on discord", window="_blank"] Discord :

=== Download

image:[link=, title="Download the latest stable release of HakuNeko", window="_blank"] image:[link=, title="Download the latest pre-release (nightly build) of HakuNeko", window="_blank"] image:[link=, window="_blank"]

Yes, the download section comes first, because this is what most users are looking for anyway. You can download and run the installer/archive for your operating system from one of the mirror sites above. There is also a portable version available for Windows which stores all its application data inside the application folder.

=== Status

This section shows the latest build and test results for the master branch of the mirrored repository on link:[Azure].

image:[Test Results, link="", title="List of CI Test Results"] image:[Build Status, link="", title="Latest CI Pipeline Summary"] image:[Build Status, link="", title="Latest Nightly Build Summary"]

[%collapsible, title="Details"]

Continuous Integration:: image:[title="CI Pipeline: Windows"] + image:[title="CI Pipeline: Ubuntu"] + image:[title="CI Pipeline: macOS"]

Nightly Builds:: image:[title="Nightly Build: Windows"] + image:[title="Nightly Build: Ubuntu"] + image:[title="Nightly Build: macOS"]

=== Introduction

HakuNeko is a cross-platform downloader for manga and anime from various websites. HakuNeko was made to help users downloading media for circumstances that require offline usage. The philosophy is ad-hoc consumption, get it when you going to read/watch it. It is not meant to be a mass downloader to stock up thousands of chapters that are just collected and will probably never be read.


[.center] image::screenshot-pages.png[link=screenshot-pages.png, width=720, title="HakuNeko - Chapter Page Preview", window=_blank]

{nbsp} +

image::screenshot-video.png[link=screenshot-video.png, width=720, title="HakuNeko - Anime Playback", window=_blank]

=== Development

For developer documentation please check the link:[Wiki]