manga-download / hakuneko

Manga & Anime Downloader for Linux, Windows & MacOS
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[Feature] Download without subFolders #7151

Closed NX171 closed 3 weeks ago

NX171 commented 3 weeks ago

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. No

Describe the solution you'd like I have some automation that works on folder only thus I would like to be able to download chapters without creating a subFolder for each mangas. Basically, I want all manga to be downloaded directly into one directory since I'm already renaming chapters' names using chapters' Title Format setting.

# Current download is: 
~/Directory/MangaName/Chap 1.pdf
# What I'd like is : 
~/Directory/Chap 1.pdf
MikeZeDev commented 3 weeks ago

Pretty sure id wont be done as there are name collisions risks. You can however use a post command to move files up a directory.

NX171 commented 3 weeks ago

Thank You, this is one setting I missed and a good workaround. Everything is working now.

Sheepux commented 3 weeks ago

Could be a feature with a warning in such case (duplicates) I believe that there aren't many case where you download an item with the same name

MikeZeDev commented 3 weeks ago

Could be a feature with a warning in such case (duplicates) I believe that there aren't many case where you download an item with the same name

He asked for '/manga folder/\.pdf" . Chapter name is very prone to create duplicates but i may have misunderstood 🤷

Sheepux commented 3 weeks ago

Oh, it's not title name, but chaptername. So indeed: NOPE Could be a valid case for ~/Directory/MangaName_Chap 1.pdf