manga-download / hakuneko

Manga & Anime Downloader for Linux, Windows & MacOS
The Unlicense
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toonily, failed to receive content. #777

Closed dragonofdragons closed 4 years ago

dragonofdragons commented 4 years ago

Capture website: status: 500 error

ronny1982 commented 4 years ago

Cannot be reproduced on my end, the manga/chapter shows all images correctly. Does it work for you on the website within your browser?

dragonofdragons commented 4 years ago

Cannot be reproduced on my end, the manga/chapter shows all images correctly. Does it work for you on the website within your browser?

dragonofdragons commented 4 years ago

yeah, it's working on browser with in hakuneko also. but can download and view images by clicking on respective buttons

ronny1982 commented 4 years ago

Whats shown in error console and network log (F12)?

dragonofdragons commented 4 years ago

Screenshot from 2019-12-21 22-21-52 Screenshot from 2019-12-21 22-21-28

dragonofdragons commented 4 years ago

Whats shown in error console and network log (F12)?

it is showing as above. i think hakuneko not able to show the images but its showing the new chapter, not able to download

ronny1982 commented 4 years ago

HTTP Status 500 is an internal server error on the website. I don't know why you get it within HakuNeko but not from your Browser. I'm afraid i cannot help with this issue as this is not reproducible on my end. There was also no other response which states a similar problem.

dragonofdragons commented 4 years ago

HTTP Status 500 is an internal server error on the website. I don't know why you get it within HakuNeko but not from your Browser. I'm afraid i cannot help with this issue as this is not reproducible on my end. There was also no other response which states a similar problem.

last week i got same problem in tachiyomi also, but after some days i heard that they moved the extension to madara so i reinstalled the madara extension and the problem got solved. hope this information will be helpful

ronny1982 commented 4 years ago

As mentioned above it works fine on my end ,so unfortunately i cannot help with this issue... There is nothing left i can do except closing the ticket