mangorune / Homework-Styles

Custom LaTeX files created for my homework assignments at Harvey Mudd College.
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LaTeX Homework Styles

Custom LaTeX files created for my homework assignments at Harvey Mudd College.

Mostly these are metapackages, with some settings and some simple macros. I've been building up this set of customizations since I started using LaTeX for my homework at the beginning of 2012.

Chit Chat

There's a Bug!

Those with a GitHub account can open an issue using the issue tracker.

Those at Mudd can shoot me an email, and I'll do my best to fix the problem promptly.

I Don't Like Your Style

Typographic critique or advice is appreciated. Flaming is not.

Please remember: I'm just providing this repository publicly because I have it for my homework anyway. It's great if this is useful to others, but it's not my job to meet everyone's needs.

Making it Work

I don't think this process is actually that scary, so don't be turned off my the length of these instructions; I'm trying to be clear and thorough


In order to compile LaTeX documents from source with this set of styles, the following are required:


Once those files are in place, compile the desired LaTeX documents. Note: