mangosR2 / mangos

Production (stable and testing) versions of current mangosR2 v2 server (World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King, 3.3.5a client).
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Bugs in SOTA #234

Closed Undergarun closed 11 years ago

Undergarun commented 13 years ago
  1. Some times after first round, players are not correctly teleported to boats.
  2. [FIXED] Trying to disable seaforium charges, console spams "2011-12-02 23:18:15 "ERROR:WorldSession::HandleCastSpellOpcode: Player Undergarun (Guid: 206) casts spell 1843 which he shouldn't have". so players of the opposite faction are unable to disable seaforium charges.
  3. Related to vehicles i thought: Tanks should allow passengers to get out from vehicles position without vehicle_accessory. On retail the red arrow appears and allow players to get out tanks. Also player should be able to switch position.
  4. [FIXED] Boats from first round must be despawned at the begining of second round.
  5. [FIXED] 2011-12-06 05:15:21 ERROR:Achievement system call ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_REQUIRE_INSTANCE_SCRIPT (18) for achievement criteria 7625 for map 607 but map not have instance script 2011-12-06 05:15:21 ERROR:Achievement system call ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_REQUIRE_INSTANCE_SCRIPT (18) for achievement criteria 7628 for map 607 but map not have instance script
Lascax commented 13 years ago

I confirm all the bugs described above. I add some other bugs I've found.

  1. In the second round happens that the Tanks does not spawn in the right place but they remain in the same place as they were at the ending of the previous round.
  2. Depending on the terrain targeted, the Missile spells by the Cannons don't do any damage in the area.

Please confirm if someone encountered them.

michalpolko commented 13 years ago

Ad. 4. if boats started, players should be teleported to the shore, not on boat.

Anybody knows proper timers for respawn of Demolishers? Should be around 20 seconds AFAIK.

Related to vehicles i thought: Tanks should allow passengers to get in.

Only vehicle controller can use Demolishers now? Can't take passengers?

Depending on the terrain targeted, the Missile spells by the Cannons don't do any damage in the area.

LOS check?

In the second round happens that the Tanks does not spawn in the right place but they remain in the same place as they were at the ending of the previous round.

After round end all tanks should despawn, this can be handled in sd2 script written for demolishers (not best way, but works).

Lascax commented 13 years ago

@michalpolko: Regarding the Missiles: maybe, but it also can land and do no damage at all, even if you hit the target perfectly. About the tanks missed despawn I am using Mr2SD2 so I want to know if it is a common bug or I have to make a workaround by myself. Do you suggest to open this issue in Mr2SD2?

rsa commented 13 years ago

1 - need implement (by common way).

    • DB problem (need auras).
  1. destructible. may be respawn time very small?
michalpolko commented 13 years ago

in clean mangos can't set respawn time via DB on battlegrounds, it is always the same, must implement such possibility.

ad 2. wrong implementation of scaling vehicle stats. HP should be set with % of current HP to scaled HP.

example: 70/100 = after scaling => 140/200

currently: 70/100 =after scaling => 200/200

this is how I understood the bug report ;P

tibbi commented 12 years ago

"4. if boats started, players should be teleported to the shore, not on boat." I have some force fields implemented, so if a player joins 1-60 secs before round start (so when ships are moving), he gets ported up to pillars between boats, where he cant leave from, since theres a forcefield. The forcefield disappears 30 secs before round start, so the players from pillars arrive to the shore at around the same time as ships. Heard its not blizzlike, but I have no idea how is it done there then :/ Teleporting someone on the shore to many defending people doesnt sound correct. Should I implement it? anyone knows how does it work on blizz ?

Undergarun commented 12 years ago

On retail, you are teleported on ships even if they are in movement.

tibbi commented 12 years ago

ah... well, then as long as I cannot get the coords of a moving transport, i cant do much :/

Undergarun commented 12 years ago

I think the first and lesslike way is teleport characters to the shore and maybe root all players or temporary sets as friends.

rsa commented 12 years ago

tibbi, teleport char (teleportNear) to coords of group leader immediately, after teleport in map.

Undergarun commented 12 years ago

O.o nice catch rsa :P

michalpolko commented 12 years ago

And remember of an exception when the entering player is the first one :P

Undergarun commented 12 years ago

teleport char near leader only must be made when transport starts to move... in this steps, leader have to be already in boat ;-)

michalpolko commented 12 years ago

everybody can leave bg

Undergarun commented 12 years ago

mmmm but if leader leave bg, new one is selected from people on boat, right?

rsa commented 12 years ago

may simple check map of leader.

michalpolko commented 12 years ago

if everybody leaves bg then there is nobody on the boat :D

tibbi commented 12 years ago

"Depending on the terrain targeted, the Missile spells by the Cannons don't do any damage in the area." Same problem is with demolishers and gates :/ After some tests Ive found out, that tanks dont do damage to gates from longer distances cause the terrain. For example attacking the Green gate from the right side does dmg even from max distance, while for attacking the blue gate you have to be like 15yd away. Tried switching blue/green gate, blue was wrong then. Tested the gates on flat terrain too, that just confirmed that the terrain is wrong there. Also tried disabling LoS, terrain bug was still there :/ Not sure what can be done about it. Its even worse in IoC, you have to be totally close to the gates in order to deal damage.

rsa commented 12 years ago

long time i repair SOTA GO damage spells - his require FillCustomTargetMap() entry...

tibbi commented 12 years ago

I dont seem to know, how to do it :/ Cant get neither destination coords, nor some GOtargetlist

rsa commented 12 years ago

give spell numbers in separate issue.

tibbi commented 12 years ago

which of the bugs mentioned in this issue are still valid ?

Sar777 commented 12 years ago

impossible to capture the flag to the cemetery, grab a horde alliance flag, but it can not press ...

Undergarun commented 12 years ago

All bugs are still valid :P

@Sar777 See

tibbi commented 12 years ago

I dont have bugs 1, 2, 3, 6.. Also what you mean with ? its ok now, or not ?

Undergarun commented 12 years ago

Sorry, i forgot to edit issue. Now you can see accurate data.

tibbi commented 12 years ago

ye damn, Im a retard... forgot to add MakeInteractive parts, which that function has been made for. With that, graveyards should be capable only after destroying the appropriate gate.

tibbi commented 12 years ago

wth? 4. Seaforium charges are not working now on SOTA, "Not valid area message" Since when? You can place the bomb, just it wont explode / explode deals no dmg? check if you dont have spell at spell_area.

Undergarun commented 12 years ago

I'm not able to place the bomb. T.T

tibbi commented 12 years ago

check if you have in spell_area then.. Since when does it happen ?

Undergarun commented 12 years ago

I don't have it T.T and i don't know since when.

Undergarun commented 12 years ago

Edited with more info :P

tibbi commented 12 years ago

Try manually casting 52410 with gm outside graveyards, if you can put bombs like that. Also maybe look for spell 52410 in spell_script_target, and item 39213 in item_required_target.. About missing Seaforium charges, you mean they are missing directly in the factory, and not spawned at the entrance, at demolishers either ?

tibbi commented 12 years ago

Rewrote events, should be much better now. Also cannons will be spawned/useable in preparation too.

Undergarun commented 12 years ago

Thank you, i think you can include in SOTA SQL entries for spell_script_target, item_required_target and area_aura for all of us with missing information in our db.

tibbi commented 12 years ago

right that there shouldnt be anything in spell_script_target, item_req.., spell_area.. So you had anything there ?

rsa commented 12 years ago

also need check all GO damaging spells after last commits.

Undergarun commented 12 years ago

No, nothing on those tables. @rsa, i will check and remove bug from issue if works fine, thanks.

Undergarun commented 12 years ago

@rsa, GO damaging spells now works like a charm, thanks :P

tibbi commented 12 years ago

I still cant damage them on local :p Guess sth is really wrong there, Ill test it on r2 also when its up to date.

Undergarun commented 12 years ago

With latest sources works perfect for most Vehicle spells including Sota, IoC vehicles and some others...

Undergarun commented 12 years ago

@tibbi, i'm able to cast 52410 outside graveyards and gates are damaged successfully. @rsa, GO damaging spell works fine for IoC but not for SotA T.T

tibbi commented 12 years ago

ah nice, I had some wrong leftovers from my attempts on local :p Damaging works really nicely now. About seaforium charges, try running DELETE FROM achievement_criteria_requirement WHERE criteria_id IN (6447); then check if you can cast it.

Undergarun commented 12 years ago

I don't understand how this can help, anyway i tested it and nothing new... i'm able to cast spell manually but no put charges using item.

tibbi commented 12 years ago

and SELECT * FROM spell_area WHERE area = 4384; does that give sth ?

Undergarun commented 12 years ago

Nop. 0 rows

tibbi commented 12 years ago

something is limiting the bomb to area 4384... My main guess was those achi changes, as only that had something to do with it. Try DELETE FROM achievement_criteria_requirement WHERE criteria_id = 6447; INSERT INTO achievement_criteria_requirement VALUES (6447, 0, 0, 0); Bombs in IoC work ?

Undergarun commented 12 years ago

Yep, IoC bombs works perfect.

rsa commented 12 years ago

@rsa, GO damaging spell works fine for IoC but not for SotA T.T

i recheck demolisher Hurl Boulder spell in SOTA. work fine for me (need small correct position of gates). what problems in your server?

tibbi commented 12 years ago

about not being able to cast seaforiums at gates... If you have some local server or test, backup the spell_area table, then wipe it and retest. You might do the same with achievement_criteria_requirement, even tho it sounds offtopic :p I dont see where else can it be limited.. It looks limited to area 4384 (area, not zone)