mangunowsky / MFBotDocker

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Docker ready installation for MFBot and Web interface.


Prepare Acc.ini file on MFBot's Windows version. Go to the Settings > Network > Remote Access. Enable remote access - set IP to and choose suitable port number, in my case it's 6969.

  1. Clone repo

git clone

  1. Paste Acc.ini file into main repo folder

  2. Build Docker image

docker build -t mfbot -f Dockerfile .

  1. Run Docker container

docker run -p 8050:8050 -dit mfbot

  1. Get containers IP address

docker inspect -f '{{range.NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' \<container ID>

  1. Open web interface in you browser. User and password is "admin" by default.

http://\<container IP>:8050

  1. Happy boting!

Changing web interface listening port.

To change port on which web interface is listeing you need to edit file located in Web/Functions/

ADRESS = '' - change port to one set in Remote Access settings

serverPort = 8050 - Web interface will be available at this port