manjaro / pamac

Graphical Package Manager for Manjaro Linux with Alpm, AUR, Appstream, Flatpak and Snap support
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Always show search entry in Categories, and searching in a specified category #328

Open notramo opened 6 years ago

notramo commented 6 years ago

Always showing search entry in Categories tab would be a good thing.

Searching in a specific category would be cool. For example, somebody who want to play space games, would search for 'space' in the Games category. And he wouldn't get

like in pamac's current version. If it's implemented, an 'All category' category is needed in the category listing panel for searching in all category.

KSXGitHub commented 6 years ago

They can't figure out that a keypress makes the search box visible.

This button should be obvious enough.


Searching in a specific category would be cool.

What we need is a more advanced search query (e.g. Tags, Regexes, etc.)

BTW, I created #330

notramo commented 6 years ago

Oh, sorry, I didn't noticed the search button. I think it's too small. A search box in the top of the category listing panel, or in the title bar would be better.

Regex based search is a cool idea, but it should be opt-in.

I think, only using tags for specifying a category is not a good solution, because some people don't speak English, but if there is another solution for this, it's a cool idea for power users.

philmmanjaro commented 6 years ago

As soon as you type you search. This is automatically. I'll release v6.0.3 soon.

KSXGitHub commented 6 years ago


A search box in the top of the category listing panel, or in the title bar would be better.

It was that way but it's so out-of-place in gnome eco-system. Search button is good enough.

only using tags for specifying a category is not a good solution, because some people don't speak English

What prevents tags from being translated?

sudoBash418 commented 6 years ago

About the search button... I have to admit, it took me a while to figure out because Numix apparently uses this for the search button. Might be the reason some are confused, although I'm not blaming the pamac devs for this.

philmmanjaro commented 6 years ago

Well, this was changed in v6.1.0 to be shown, however personally I like it more to be hidden. @guinux: looks a little odd now from my point of view. We will see how the community responses.

KSXGitHub commented 6 years ago

@philmmanjaro I like it to be hidden too, visible search box is so out-of-place in gnome desktop.

philmmanjaro commented 6 years ago

@guinux: can we make it as an option for the user to decide if he either wants to have it visible or not by default. Like a switch. Hidden by default I recommend. Also we should double check the installer binary. I hope I've fixed it correctly with my last commit. Seems v6.1.2 is around the corner :smile:

guinux commented 6 years ago

published v6.1.2 with no searchbar at startup for now.