manolo / gwt-polymer-elements

Polymer Web Components for GWT. A collection of Material Design widgets for desktop and mobile.
Apache License 2.0
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vaadin-grid vs VaadinGridElement? #149

Open dmg46664 opened 7 years ago

dmg46664 commented 7 years ago

appears quite different to the polymer grid from vaadin

I see the expected sub polymer elements on the latter, which is not the same for the demo for gwt-polymer-elements. Any history here?

manolo commented 7 years ago

We are about to release vaadin-grid 2.0 polymer element, which is an entire rewrite of the component. Both the declarative and imperative API change, so the gwt library need to be updated appropriately in it's moment

dmg46664 commented 7 years ago

@manolo Thank you for that. Is it possible to use this library in conjunction with the new grid code? Will the api-generator produced code be able to co-exist with the current grid implementation? That would be useful to know in order to be able to beta test the new API.

manolo commented 7 years ago

gwt-api will generate code to use it, but the api will change so we need to change the demos to adapt to the new grid api