manolo / gwt-polymer-elements

Polymer Web Components for GWT. A collection of Material Design widgets for desktop and mobile.
Apache License 2.0
155 stars 49 forks source link
components elemental2 gwt java jsinterop material-design mobile polymer pwa web-components widgets


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NOTICE: This library is no longer supported by Vaadin

Vaadin transfers the ownership of this library, thus Vaadin no longer provides support or does active development on it.

We took this decision because once demonstrated that polymer elements could be easily be integrated in GWT, we want to invest our team’s time in adding valuable user benefits to Vaadin Core Elements, and pass the baton to the community to do integrations with other frameworks.

In addition, we are happy to announce that ownership of the repository will be transferred by 20 Apr 2017 to @manolo, who will continue to maintain it.

If you are willing to participate as a collaborator, please leave a comment in #151. The collaborators will be granted access after transferring. We encourage contribution in any form and shape.



Visit our show case to see how components look like, and to take a look to the example code using each component.


When we parse the original components code to generate the Java API, we copy all the existing JS documentation so as it's available in the javadoc. Note that sometimes descriptions would refer to JS, but we consider that it's better to maintain the info.

Using the GWT library

You need at least GWT-2.8.0 to use the library.

Add vaadin-gwt-polymer-elements to your CLASSPATH

The .jar file includes all the java code and web components of Polymer Iron and Paper collections, so as you don't have to deal with the process of downloading and deploying all js wrapped libraries and components.

Using maven

Update your module configuration

Add the Web Components Polyfill (Optional).

    <script src=""></script>
    <script src=""></script>

Consuming Web Components in GWT

Vaadin gwt-polymer-elements bundles classes to build your application using either Widgets or JsInterop Elements. The former is the classic approach, while the latter will become the new tendency.

But Right now, Elements is the most difficult way because GWT lacks of a complete Elemental-2.0 API relying on JsInterop. We provide a very small set of elemental interfaces limited to those needed for our implementation, they will be replaced by Elemental-2.0 when it was available.

In summary, for classic and production GWT projects it would be easier to use the Widget since the API would not have important changes. Otherwise, if you want to get rid of the widget hierarchy we recommend to start using the Element API mixing it with some DOM manipulation library like gwtquery or just the methods included in the elemental API.

Styling your application.

Polymer uses Shadow DOM styling rules for providing scoped styling of the element’s local DOM. It supports some extra syntax which is not understable by the GWT GSS parser.

Polymer takes care of its syntax parsing any <style> block you might have in your host page, but if you want to specify some styling rules in UiBinder, you have to add your style blocks to any panel.

<ui:UiBinder xmlns:ui=''

  <style is="custom-style">
     paper-toolbar paper-icon-button {
        --paper-icon-button-ink-color: var(--paper-indigo-500);
     <p:PaperIconButton icon="menu"/>
     <span class="title">Toolbar</span>

For more information about polymer styling syntax visit their documentation


Java Sources

If you want to dive into .java sources, we don't maintain generated files, thus you need to download the vaadin-gwt-polymer-elements-x.x.x-sources.jar bundle. Otherwise you might take a look java helper classes and templates look in the gwt-api-generator project.

Importing Web Components

Before using any component, you have to import the appropriate files. But gwt-polymer-elements comes with some utilities so as you it would be done automatically.

Asynchronous issues

Web Components could be registered and initialised asynchronously. Thus gwt-polymer-elements comes with some methods which helps to run callbacks when the component is actually ready.

   PaperButtonElement button = Polymer.createElement(PaperButtonElement.TAG);
   Polymer.ready(button, new Function() {
      public Object call(Object args) {
         // Set button properties here

   PolymerButton button = new PolymerButton();
   // You could set methods here

   button.ready(new Function() {
      public Object call(Object args) {
        // But you have to enclose in a callback calls to element methods

   Polymer.importHref(Arrays.asList("paper-tabs", "paper-tab-element"), new Function() {
      public Object call(Object args) {
         // Create your elements here and call their methods

Using latest snapshot

Add the following repo to your pom.xml, and change the version using the latest listed at in this url



Building the project

To compile the vaadin-gwt-polymer-elements library by yourself.

  1. Clone the repository with $ git checkout
  2. Change to the project folder $ cd gwt-polymer-elements
  3. Run $ npm install to download all components to the src/main/resources folder, to create all java files needed for GWT in the src/main/java/ folder and to compile and install the components library in you local maven repo.

Running the demo locally

  1. To run and debug the demo, go to the demo folder $ cd demo
  2. Run $ mvn gwt:devmode to run the demo in SuperDevMode, otherwise run $ mvn clean package to build the demo application under target directory.
  3. You can serve the demo directly from the target/gwt-polymer-demo or you can deploy the generated target/gwt-polymer-demo.war in a servlet container.