manolo / gwt-polymer-elements

Polymer Web Components for GWT. A collection of Material Design widgets for desktop and mobile.
Apache License 2.0
155 stars 49 forks source link

Volunteer collaborators are needed #151

Open manolo opened 7 years ago

manolo commented 7 years ago

We are looking for collaborators to work on this project. If you want to become a collaborator, please leave a comment below.

Collaborator responsibilities include:

gardellajuanpablo commented 7 years ago

I would like to contribute

fizzi commented 7 years ago

I would be interested in contributing

yadavharsh commented 7 years ago

I would like to contribute in testing and reporting.

Leon74 commented 7 years ago

Count me in.

manolo commented 7 years ago

@Leon74 @yadavharsh @Leon74 @fizzi I've added all of you to the project. Could all of you send me in a private message with your email address so as we can start discussing roadmap and sharing private docs.

techphd commented 7 years ago

Thanks @manolo for keeping this project alive and taking it on. I'd like to contribute as well. Specifically, I'd like to help create more examples of using GWT Polymer Elements (plenty of Widget examples, need more Element) examples. Would be nice to get more of the Polymer code working with GWT - ex: PolymerFire. Like @yadavharsh , identifying issues.

manolo commented 7 years ago

@techphd added to the project, please send me a private message so as I can include you in a mailing list