mansi1710 / Alzheimer-s-Disease-Prediction-using-3D-MRI-scans

A project undertaken as hobby project which aims at segmentation of Brain MRI scans
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Use of Machine Learning algorithms in Medical Image Processing is challenging and innovative research oriented prject.

As a part of the project, I tried using pre-trained CNN models including:

  1. VGG16
  2. LeNet
  3. Inception
  4. ResNet

Machine Learning Techniques

  1. Convolutional Neural Networks
  2. Auto encoders

Feature Extraction using Image Processing

Open Sources used:

keras, sklearn, pandas, numpy, PyTorch OPenCV

These pre-trained models gave results which suffered from overfitting. Further feature extraction and image processing followed by GANs/ encoder may improve the accuracy.

Dataset used:

The dataset was collected from OASIS