mantebridts / slack-update-status

Update your status on Slack automatically
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Slack Update Status

Set your Slack status to a certain location, be it :house_with_garden: or :coffee: (or some custom emoji), based on your location.

You list a set of locations, if you're at that place, then your status is set to

:pick an emoji: My custom status

If you are at a location not on the list, then your status is set the else-default

:coffee: At a coffee shop


Clone the repo:

git clone

Install everything:

xcode-select --install
/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
bundle install
brew cask install corelocationcli
CoreLocationCLI -json

The last line should output an address. If you see this, everything works fine.

Create a file in config/slack.yml that looks like this. You can use config/slack.yml.example as a template.

oauth_key: "xoxp-this-is-a-totally-real-oauth-key"
    - Kontich // This string is used for matchmaking against your current location, pick anything, such as a straat and number, or just the city or country
    message: "@ HQ"
    emoji: ":house:"
    message: "Probably in a meeting ¯\_(ツ)_/¯"
    emoji: ":spiral_calendar_pad:"

Another example:


Instructions for getting an OAuth-key are below.

You can test your setup by running


It should update your status on Slack (don't forget to allow the script to access your location).

Automatically updating your status

Setup a cron job that runs every five minutes and runs bin/update-slack-status, use this command to use nano to edit the crontab-file:

export VISUAL=nano; crontab -e

and put this line in the file

*/5 * * * * cd /Users/yourname/path/to/code/slack-wifi-status && ./bin/update-slack-status > /dev/null 2> /dev/null

Detailed OAuth instructions

To complete the setup, you'll need an legacy-token for Slack.

Go to

Create a new token for the organization you're going to be changing your status on.

Slack will then give you an access token. Copy it and stick it in config/slack.yml.