OpenCascade is an open-source software development platform used for building 3D modeling and visualization applications. It provides a set of tools that allow developers to create complex geometric models and perform operations on them, such as Boolean operations, intersections, and extrusions.
OpenCascade is often used in the engineering, architecture, and manufacturing industries for designing and analyzing objects and structures.
This is a wrapper that enables using OpenCascade from Nim.
The site it is not maintained. Maybe in the future: Further documentation in occt.nim site
The following has been done with occt.nim.
Right now I am only testing it in Linux (ArchLinux). You can install OpenCascade like:
$ yay -S opencascade
$ sudo apt install libocct-foundation-dev
In order to install the bindings:
$ nimble install
Right now, a significant part of the library is wrapped. There are 75 packages already wrapped (in better or worst shape). For sure, there are much more functions wrapped than what you might need.
Most of the bindings are untested. On the other hand, they should work (or they should work with very little modification).
Wrapping the functions is the first step. Later you need more convenient functions that make the library more convenient to use (more "Nim-ish" -if that word exists-).
The wrapped packages are located under src/wrapper
In the folder src/lib
, some functions are included in order to make easier dealing with OpenCascade.
There are many things that can be done:
folder.I don't know much about licenses (any advise is wellcomed). My code is BSD, but you need to fulfill whatever OpenCascade license requires which is: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) version 2.1.
Create the new package folder. For example src/wrapper/pcdm
Copy the files genGenerator.nim
and ed.nim
from src/wrapper/cdm
into the new folder.
In genGenerator.nim
modify the following lines:
let prefix = "CDM"
let packageName = "cdm"
The prefix
indicate the starting string for the header files under /usr/include/opencascade
The packageName
is the name of the created folder.
Execute genGenerator
nim c -r genGenerator
this will create a new file gen.nim
and copy opencascade headers locally.
Execute gen.nim
nim c -r gen
this will execute c2nim
under the hood.
If all the headers were removed, then everything went fine. If not, you will have to play with gen.nim
commenting parts of the headers in order to avoid c2nim
(not a beauty). Around line 650, you have something like:
let folder = "cdm"
let toolkit = "TKCDF"
comment those lines and add two similar lines with the name of the new folder and the name of the associated toolkit for the package. In this case:
#let folder = "cdm"
#let toolkit = "TKCDF"
let folder = "pcdm" let toolkit = "TKCDF"
7. Execute it, by going into folder `src/wrapper` and then:
nim c -r pp
a. Fixing `Iterator`. Iterators are defined in `ncollection_types`. If you have something like:
StorageDataMapIteratorOfMapOfPers* = Iterator....
probably needs to be:
StorageDataMapIteratorOfMapOfPers* = NCollectionDataMapIterator....