mantisbt-plugins / DatabaseCleanup

Remove old issues based on age and status
Apache License 2.0
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DatabaseCleanup plugin for Mantis issue tracker

The main usage for this plugin is to remove issues that reached a predefined status and age.

WARNING This plugin can purge a large number of issues, along with their comments, attachments, and all other related data without any confirmation. Please make sure to backup your database before testing the plugin.


As with other plugins, it is enough to download or unpack the plugin in the plugins/ directory of your existing mantis installation


All the tunables for the plugin are accessible from the Manage Plugins page

/plugin.php?page=DatabaseCleanup/config However, it is always possible to define configuration variables in config_inc.php; those will named: $g_plugin_DatabaseCleanup_ where the actual variable names are given below Configuration variables ----------------------- * default_expiration_period bug expiration period, valid for all projects. It is possible to use natural language like 'one year' or '6 months' as understood by the strtotime() PHP function. A value of '0' disables the plugin. * reference_date timestamp to use as reference. Can be either the string 'date_submitted' or 'last_udpdated' * minimum_status only bugs above this status will be deleted * run_as_user run script as the given user was logged in. Needs delete privileges for all projects * admin_email if set, send a summary email to the administator with a CSV attachment detailing issues deleted * run_delay delay in hours between consecutive runs of the script. This is a security measure against DoS attacks * secret_key a shared secret string, used to authorize clients to run the cleanup Testing cleanup --------------- When everything is configured, it is possible to test the procedure by opening the page: /plugin.php?page=DatabaseCleanup/dummy_cleanup you will be able to check if the call has all the required parameters (see below) and see the cleanup summary with the sample CSV that will be sent to the administator Running the cleanup operation ----------------------------- In order to trigger the cleanup operation, you need to call the URL: /plugin.php?page=DatabaseCleanup/cleanup&key=XXXXX&sig=YYYYY where XXXXX is a random string (for security purposes, we suggest using a different one at each run) and sig is call signature, defined as: md5(secret_key + key) There is a convenient script in the cron/ directory that can be used to trigger periodically the cleanup script