manulera / ShareYourCloning_frontend

The frontend application for ShareYourCloning
MIT License
1 stars 3 forks source link

Frontend application

:warning: Current version is unstable

This frontend is part of a bigger application, before going further, please go to the main project README, where you can find an introduction.

A hosted version of this application can be found at

Getting started

If you want to quickly set up a local instance of the frontend and backend of the application using Docker, check getting started in 5 minutes in the main repository.

Building the Docker image :whale:

:information_source: This step is only required if you want to use a custom backend URL

After cloning the repository, place yourself at project's root and build with:

# default backend url
docker build -t manulera/shareyourcloningfrontend .
# with a custom backend url
docker build --build-arg BACKEND_URL=http://localhost:9837 -t manulera/shareyourcloningfrontend .

You can then deploy with with docker-compose or run it directly with:

docker run --rm -d --name syc-front -p 3000:3000 manulera/shareyourcloningfrontend

The command above will expose the service on port 3000 of the host system.

Local installation

TODO: This is outdated, update!

We use node 18.8, to manage different versions of node, we use nvm. Installation instructions here.

# First time only
nvm install 18.8

nvm use 18.8

To install the javascript dependencies and build the site, you will need [yarn]()

## The first time ==========

# Enable yarn in the project
corepack enable

# Install dependencies
yarn install

## Dev server / building site ==========
# If you want to serve the development site locally at http://localhost:3000/
yarn start
# If you want to build the statics assets of the production site in the folder ./build
yarn build

If you run yarn start, then you should be able to access the frontend at http://localhost:3000/.

Connecting to the backend

For the application to work, you must have a running backend. For that, see the backend installation instructions.

The requests to the backend are made to the url set at build time (Docker), or VITE_REACT_APP_BACKEND_URL environment variable given to the yarn build command.

If you want to specify the backend url (for example, if you are running the api in Docker at http://localhost:8000), you can do:

# To run the dev server
VITE_REACT_APP_BACKEND_URL=http://localhost:8000 yarn start
# To build the static assets
VITE_REACT_APP_BACKEND_URL=http://localhost:8000 yarn build

Finally, if you are serving the frontend at an address different from http://localhost:3000, you will have to add the url of the frontend to the CORS allowed origins in the backend (see here). Note that you will also get a CORS error if you run yarn build and try to make a request to the backend from build/index.html if you just open it in your browser instead of serving it at localhost:3000.

Contributing :hammer_and_wrench:

Check contribution guidelines in the main repository.

Settings for vscode :desktop_computer:

For the eslint to work, you will need the eslint module


To run the tests, first run the dev server with yarn start.

To run most tests, you will need the backend to be running at localhost:3000. You can see how to do that in the backend repo. For the github actions tests, a submodule is used (see below).

To run the tests:

# Open cypress UI
yarn cypress open

# Run a particular test in the command line
yarn cypress run --spec cypress/e2e/

Actions and submodule

The tests run with cypress require the submodule ShareYourCloning_backend to be included. If you want to include it locally:

git submodule update --init

If you want to change the commit of the submodule:

cd ShareYourCloning_backend
git checkout -b the-branch
git pull origin the-branch
cd ..
# commit the frontend repo normally


This project was started with the demo of Open Vector Editor.

Recording video with cypress

Settings (they can also be set as env vars or passed with flags).

module.exports = defineConfig({
  video: true,
  viewportWidth: 1000,
  viewportHeight: 1000,

Then, when running the video.

CYPRESS_NO_COMMAND_LOG=1 yarn cypress run --spec cypress/e2e/


The API keys should be in the ignored file .env.development.local