This service is currently in development, and not yet recommended for use in production environments
This service allows you to integrate your Flows with Box.
The service is compatible with Heroku, and can be deployed by clicking the button below:
To build the service, you will need to have Apache Ant, Maven 3 and a Java 8 implementation installed, OpenJDK or Oracle JDK with Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) Unlimited
You will need to generate a configuration file for the service by running the provided build.xml
script with Ant, and
passing in a valid URL to a Redis instance:
$ ant -Dsecure.privateKey=xxx \
-Dsecure.privateKeyPassword=xxx \
-Doauth2.contentApi.clientId=xxx \
-Doauth2.contentApi.clientSecret=xxx \
-Doauth2.developerEdition.clientId=xxx \
-Doauth2.developerEdition.clientSecret=xxx \
-Dwebhook.signature.primary.key=xxx \
-Dwebhook.signature.secondary.key=xxx \
-Dassignment.flowId=xxx \
-Dassignment.flowVersionId=xxx \
-Dassignment.tenantId=xxx \
-Dveryfication.key=xxx \
-Dredis.url=xxx \
Note: secure.privateKey
and verification.key
are Base64 encoded
For information of how to create the verification.key please check the test encryptAndDecryptTest
Now you can build the runnable shaded JAR
Running the following command will start the service listening on
$ java -jar target/box-3.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
You can specify a custom port to run the service on by passing the server.port
property when running the JAR. The
following command will start the service listening on port 9090 (
$ java -Dserver.port=9090 -jar target/box-3.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
Contributions are welcome to the project - whether they are feature requests, improvements or bug fixes! Refer to for our contribution requirements.
This service is released under the MIT License.