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Main website for the podcast, including all articles, scripts, stories, and investigations
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Where Many Worlds Fit

This is the main website for the podcast, including all articles, scripts, stories, and investigations. It uses the Millennial theme for Jekyll.

Publishing articles

Articles that have gone through internal peer review can be published here by adding a markdown file. The file should be placed under _posts and follow the naming convention


where date is the publish date in YYYY-MM-DD format and slug is the article's shortname under which it will later be found. Often the slug is simply the title of the article in all lowercase letters, with spaces replaced by dashes. For example, the first article published here can be found at


After the new file is pushed to origin/main, it will automatically go to a deployment and, failing any issues, will be published online under<slug>

For example, the first article can be found at

Publishing zines

After publication to the website, you can format your article as a PDF and impose it on A4 paper for printing as a zine. To do this, remember your slug and navigate to the _zines directory, then run

make <slug>

For example, to prepare the first article you can run

make restorative-justice-northeast-syria

See the zine docs in that directory for more information.

Contributing code

Note: This section is written presuming you're familiar with the basics of git. If you want to contribute code but haven't used git before or would like a refresher, this simple guide might help. You can also reach out any time for guidance, or check out the issue tickets if you're looking for a place to start. Even if you've never coded before but would like to learn, projects like this are a natural opportunity to do that. Truly, compa, we welcome you and want your help! :heart::yellow_heart::green_heart:

This repository uses github flow to manage contributions. Our goal is to cultivate a collaborative environment that is social first and only as technical as it needs to be. With that in mind, issue tickets and pull requests can be thought of as fora for building consensus. Issues can propose, not impose alternative language, technology, features, and bug reports, and pull requests can lead by obeying to mutually address the needs of organizers and journalists.

The proposed workflow would proceed like so:

  1. For bug reports, post-publication edits, organizational notes, and feature requests, post an issue ticket and solicit feedback from the community of other contributors.
  2. To address or otherwise take action on an issue ticket, clone the repository and create a new branch. This branch is your sandbox, within which you can implement all the changes you would like to propose.
  3. From this branch, open a pull request to merge your changes into the main branch. Until it's ready for review you can start its title with WIP: (short for "work-in-progress") to mark it as a draft.
  4. During the review you will have an opportunity to build consensus with other contributors. Please don't be concerned if they suggest changes -- both code and writing samples often benefit from extra eyeballs, and this space is meant to be intentionally non-competitive. Things like comments and suggestions from your compas are a gift.
  5. When consensus is reached the pull request is merged, whence your changes will automatically deploy to the live website. You can safely delete your local working branch after this happens.

Where Many Worlds Fit is a living, active media project that thrives on collaboration and is sustained by diversity. It is, by design, a world where many worlds fit. Even this proposed workflow is subject to consensus. If you have strong feelings about it, we hope you won't hesitate to speak up!