mapooon / PetFace

[ECCV 2024 Oral] PetFace: A Large-Scale Dataset and Benchmark for Animal Identification
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animals dataset deep-learning face-detection face-recognition

PetFace (ECCV2024 Oral)


The official PyTorch implementation for the following paper:

PetFace: A Large-Scale Dataset and Benchmark for Animal Identification,
Risa Shionoda and Kaede Shiohara (Equal contribution),
ECCV 2024 Oral (with three Strong Accepts!!!)*

TL;DR: We established a large-scale animal identification dataset with more than 250k IDs across 13 families



Our PetFace dataset, code in this repository, and pretrained models are for non-commercial research purpose only.


[2024/10/07] The code for face alignment on your own images was released.
[2024/09/02] Installation instruction was updated.
[2024/08/14] PetFace was selected as an ORAL presentation at ECCV2024πŸŽ‰
[2024/07/27] Pretrained models, training code, and evaluation were released. Also, "split" folder is updated.
[2024/07/19] This repository was released.


Fill in a google form for access to the dataset.

Dataset directory

Place the dataset as follows:

. (Root of this repository)
└── data
    └── PetFace
        β”œβ”€β”€ images
        β”‚   └── cat
        β”‚       └── 000000
        β”‚           └── 00.png
        β”œβ”€β”€ split
        β”‚   └── cat
        β”‚       β”œβ”€β”€ train.csv
        β”‚       β”œβ”€β”€ val.txt
        β”‚       β”œβ”€β”€ test.txt
        β”‚       β”œβ”€β”€ reidentification.csv 
        β”‚       └── verification.csv
        └── annotations
            └── cat.csv

train.csv: file names and id labels for training
val.txt: file names for validation (not used in this codebase)
test.txt: file names for verification (not used in this codebase)
verification.csv: pairs of file names to verify and labels indicating whether the pairs have the same ID
reidentification.csv: file names and id labels for re-identification


Docker (Recommended)

1) Pull a docker image:

docker pull pytorch/pytorch:1.12.0-cuda11.3-cudnn8-runtime

2) Replace the path in
3) Execute the dokcer image:


4) Install packages:


pip (Unrecommended)

Install packages:

pip install -r requirements.txt


Pretrained weights are provided on google drive.


For example, you can run the evaluation of re-identification for cat as follows:

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python3 src/ -m arcface -w pretrained/arcface/ -i data/PetFace/split/cat/reidentification.csv -o results/reidentification/arcface/cat.csv

Then, you can compute the top-k (k={1,2,3,4,5}) accuracy:

python3 src/ --topk 5 -i results/reidentification/arcface/cat.csv


For example, you can run the evaluation of re-identification for cat as follows:

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python3 src/ -w pretrained/arcface/ -i data/PetFace/split/cat/verification.csv -o results/verification/arcface/cat.csv

Then, you can compute AUC:

python3 src/ -i results/verification/arcface/cat.csv

Face Alignment on Your Own Images

We provide the source key points in keypoints folder to align images.
First, you need to detect 5 keypoints of your own image by AnyFace and save them as a .npy file.
Then, you can align the images by:

python3 src/ --tgt /path/to/your/keypoints.npy --img /path/to/your/image.jpeg --src /path/to/src/keypoints.npy --out /path/to/output/image.jpg


For example, you can run the training for cat as follows:

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python3 src/ src/configs/  --output outputs/cat/arcface

Also, you can train an arcface model on all the species (families):

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python3 src/ src/configs/  --output outputs/unified


We borrow some code from insightface, pytorch-center-loss, and triplet-loss-with-pytorch.


If you find our work useful for your research, please consider citing our paper:

  title={PetFace: A large-scale dataset and benchmark for animal identification},
  author={Shinoda, Risa and Shiohara, Kaede},
  booktitle={European Conference on Computer Vision},