maptimedavis /

maptimeDavis website
MIT License
1 stars 0 forks source link

How to Edit

The structure of this site is a little different than you might expect. What looks like pages on this site are actually popups (modals) rather than stand-alone html pages. These are stored in the _posts folder. The date in the file name creates the ordering on the home page. Do not rename the files.

The files contain a header wrapped in ---. The img section is where you change the image. Do not change the date.

Below the header, edit the page using HTML. W3Schools has an excellent HTML Reference and Tutorial.

Freelancer Jekyll theme information:

Jekyll theme based on Freelancer bootstrap theme

The templating language this theme uses is called Liquid

How to use

## Demo
View this jekyll theme in action [here](

## Screenshot

For more details, read the [documentation](