mar10 / dynatree

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jquery.dynatree.js GitHub version

Dynatree is a JavaScript dynamic tree view plugin for jQuery with support for persistence, keyboard, checkboxes, drag'n'drop, and lazy loading.

Note: This repository was migrated from Google Code at 2015-03-15.


GitHub version See the change log for details.

Note: Fancytree 2.x is released

Dynatree 1.x will eventually be replaced by Fancytree.
I will support Dynatree for a while, but no new features will be added.

It is recommended to migrate to Fancytree. It's easy: see also the migration hints.


Dynatree is a jQuery plugin that allows to dynamically create html tree view controls using JavaScript.


Main features


Quick start

  1. Include jQuery and dynatree libraries.
  2. Add a <div> element where the tree should appear.
  3. Initialize the dynatree object when the page is loaded.

To learn more

  1. Check the example page and click on the [View source code] links.
  2. Read the documentation.
  3. Fiddle with the samples.

Feedback and Support