maranget / hevea

Hevea is a fast latex to html translator
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This is HEVEA, version 2.36, a fast Latex to HTML translator.

ADVERTISEMENT HEVEA is a LaTeX to HTML translator. The input language is a fairly complete subset of LaTeX2e (old LaTeX style is also accepted) and the output language is HTML that is (hopefully) correct with respect to version 5.

Exotic symbols are translated into the so-called HTML 'entities',
in other words into references to UNICODE chararacters.

HEVEA understands LaTeX macro definitions. Simple user style
files are understood with little or no modifications.
Furthermore, HEVEA customization is done by writing LaTeX code.

HEVEA is written in OCaml, as many lexers. It is quite fast
and flexible. Using HEVEA it is possible to translate large documents
such as manuals, books, etc. very quickly. All documents are
translated as one single HTML file. Then, the output file can be cut
into smaller files, using the companion program HACHA.

LAW For legal matters see the LICENSE File.

CONTENTS This distribution includes HEVEA sources.

CONTACTS mail: home page:

DOCUMENTATION On-line documentation is available at


REQUIREMENTS HEVEA is written in Objective Caml (OCaml). It compiles under OCaml, which should thus be properly installed.

 More information on OCaml can be found at

 However there exists binary distributions of HEVEA for PCs
 Those are provided by external packagers, see hevea home page
 for a (partial) list.

 There also exist a Win-32 distribution, by Philip A. Viton, see

HEVEA is fully functional when other software are installed
 * A modern LaTeX installation including dvips.
 * The ghostcript Postcript interpreter.
 * the netpbm image processing package.
However, these softwares are optional and hevea runs without them.

INSTALLATION FROM THE SOURCE DISTRIBUTION Prerequisite, install OCaml and ocamlbuild. The easiest method for doing so is using opam.

Once opam is installed (see, install ocamlbuild with: opam install ocamlbuild

Download the source distribution

Unzip, gunzip v2.36.tar.gz

Untar, tar xf hevea-2.36.tar

Go to the source directory cd hevea-2.36

CONFIGURATION There are a few configuration variables at the beginning of the Makefile.

MAKE Once configuration variables are set, type: make

Then, install hevea binary in BINDIR and hevea library files in LIBDIR
(This might require gaining root privilege) make install

** Note that the hevea.sty file, is simply copied to LIBDIR. It remains users responsability to make it accessible to LaTeX. Some packagers make additional installation efforts as regards this file.

Once hevea is installed, you can remove the sources.