marcelTBI / CNV_data

Data for training of CNV caller
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Datafiles and scripts for training and running of the CNV caller.

Data for training of CNV caller

Each file is a single comressed numpy array with the following dtype in the only 'values' key:

dtype=[('chromosome', 'i1'), ('bins_loess', '<f2')] 

and each array has length of 154,794, since the used bin size is 20,000 (hg19 reference). The "columns" are:

  1. chromosome - chromosome number (0-based, 22 for X, 23 for Y)
  2. bins_loess - loess normalized bin counts (bin size is 20,000) - used for training of PCA normalization. Loess normalized bin counts are computed using standard methods as reported in the article.

Thus, the loess corrected read count for the whole chromosome 1 can be obtained as:

import numpy as np
sample_npy = np.load('/path/to/sample/values.npz')['values']
read_count_chr1 = sum(sample_npy[sample_npy['chromosome']==0]['bins_loess'])


You need to have installed the following python packages to perform training (tested under python 3.5.2):

pip install numpy
pip install pandas
pip install dill
pip install sklearn

Use following steps to do the training:

  1. PCA components are trained from a subset of the data (samples with higher read count (>10M)). These samples reside in the "pca" directory.

    This command will create a file pca_c20.pck in the data directory, where the first 20 principal components are stored.

  2. New numpy files are created with the PCA attribute added.

    This command will create a file XXXX_pca.npz for every XXXX.npz data file. These new files contain one new column ('bins_PCA', '<f2'), which contain PCA normalized bin counts similarly as bins_loess.

  3. Means of bin counts are trained from PCA normalized bincounts from all samples (from those in the "pca" dir, too).

    This command will create means.npy and means.tsv files, which contain means and variances of bin counts (both loess and PCA normalized). Both files contain the same information.

More info about the training is in the article.

CNV calling

You need to have Rscript installed (tested with R version 3.2.3):

sudo apt-get install r-base

and you also need the DNAcopy R package (installation in the R shell):


Furthermore, you need to have installed the following packages to run

pip install numpy
pip install pandas
pip install rpy2

Python version 3.7 is recommended, 3.6 also works well and for version 3.5 you will need rpy2 package of version 2.8.6 (pip install rpy2==2.8.6).

Then you can run the CNV caller with the following:

python -m {trained_means} -b {bins_with_PCA} -o {output_dir} -k -f {fetal_fraction}

where -m points to the trained means (.npy), -b to the bins with PCA columns created with the script, -o points to the directory where output should be stored, -f specifies the fetal fraction of the sample and -k switches on filtering of bins. You can find more options by running python --help.

The CNV calling command will create two files in the {output_dir} directory:

  1. {name}_cbs.txt - cnv calling result - TSV table with columns:
    • serial number of called segment
    • start coordinate (in base pairs)
    • length in bins (bin is 20000 base pairs)
    • end coordinate (in base pairs)
    • chromosome (labeled from 0)
    • level - PCA normalized bincount average of the called segment (normalized around 0 by subtracting of the trained means)
    • effective_length - length in bins without filtered bins (bin is 20000 base pairs)
    • significant - 0 for non-significant (healthy), 1 for warning, 2 for reported fetus aberration, 3 for reported maternal aberration
    • color - color coding for significance (green, yellow, red, magenta)
    • expected_ff - expected fetal fraction from the called segment (useful only for aberrations) An example of first few lines of the cbs file:
      start   length  end chromosome  level   effective_length    significant color   expected_ff
      0       820000  12419    249200000  0    0.0017 10713   0   green    0.0004
      1        20000  12149    243000000  1   -0.0097 11442   0   green    0.0025
      2       100000   9886    197820000  2    0.0047  9596   0   green    0.0012
      3        80000   9535    190780000  3    0.0047  9158   0   green    0.0012
      4        40000   9032    180680000  4   -0.0006  8611   0   green    0.0002
  2. {name}_gaps.txt - filtered bins, the format follows a similar pattern as the cbs file, an example of first few lines:
    chromosome  start   length  end full_start
    0   0   41  820000  0
    0   1400000 1   1420000 1400000
    0   1440000 1   1460000 1440000
    0   1560000 2   1600000 1560000