marceloprates / prettymaps

A small set of Python functions to draw pretty maps from OpenStreetMap data. Based on osmnx, matplotlib and shapely libraries.
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Not able to get the Seine in Paris (just a piece of it) #46

Open phpdistiller opened 2 years ago

phpdistiller commented 2 years ago


I have 'water': {'tags': {'natural': ['water', 'bay']}}, and 'water': {'fc': '#A1CAE2', 'ec': '#6da8c2', 'lw': 0.5, 'zorder': 2},. I get this : seine

And, as you can see, I big part of the Seine is missing. What did I miss ?

G21-Goose commented 2 years ago

Hi, I've tried to replicate your issue but I don't get any missing parts in the Seine. image

This is the code I used to make it:

from prettymaps import *
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

# Setup figure
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = figsize, constrained_layout = True)

# Plot
layers = plot(
    (48.8534, 2.3397), radius = 7000,
    ax = ax,
    layers = {
        'perimeter': {'circle': False},
        'water': {
                'natural': ['water', 'bay']
    drawing_kwargs = {
        'background': {'fc': '#FFFFFF', 'ec': '#FFFFFF', 'zorder': -1},
        'perimeter': {'fill': False, 'lw': 0, 'zorder': 0},
        'water': {'fc': '#A1CAE2', 'ec': '#6da8c2', 'lw': 0.5, 'zorder': 2},
    osm_credit = {'x': .02, 'y': .00, 'color': '#2F3737'}

# Set bounds
xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = layers['perimeter'].bounds
dx, dy = xmax-xmin, ymax-ymin
ax.set_xlim(xmin-.06*dx, xmax+.06*dx)
ax.set_ylim(ymin-.06*dy, ymax+.02*dy)

phpdistiller commented 2 years ago

I used this code :

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10), constrained_layout = True)

    'Paris, France',

    ax = ax,

    layers = {
        'perimeter': {},
        'water': {'tags': {'natural': ['water', 'bay']}},
    drawing_kwargs = {
        'perimeter': {'fill': False, 'ec': '#2F3737', 'lw': 0.1, 'zorder': 0},
        'water': {'fc': '#A1CAE2', 'ec': '#6da8c2', 'lw': 0.5, 'zorder': 2},



I have tried different things but without success so far. The left part is missing.

G21-Goose commented 2 years ago

Ah ok, I get the same issue as you now. Seems like a work around is to use coordinates, but the your perimeter won't be around Paris, just a constant radius.

Looking through get_geometries() in it looks as if this might be to do with how the intersections are done with the perimeter.

I tried changing the line:

geometries = geometries.intersection(perimeter)


geometries = perimeter.intersection(unary_union(geometries.geometry))

and I seem to be able to get the rest of the Seine (below where I'm also showing the perimeter). image

I think this change results in only getting one piece of geometry, which will probably effect the multi-colour buildings, but interestingly, a lot of the error messages (like the ones in #36 ) seem to disappear?!

G21-Goose commented 2 years ago

Actually, looks like it can be replaced with:

geometries = geometries.intersection(perimeter).buffer(0)

which still creates warnings (but the warning seems to be related to GeoSeries)

or it can be a list which creates no warnings because it doesn't use GeoSeries

geometries = [geo.intersection(perimeter).buffer(0) for geo in geometries.geometry]

Both these ways seem to still preserve having multiple polygons (which would be needed for the buildings) instead of just making them one polygon.