marcelorl / hapi-request-context-2

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Sets values on the CLS context for each request.

It means:

Make sure that you require the module the first time in yor index.js (or however your applicatioon entrypoint is named) to make sure that the context gets created correctly.


$ npm i hapi-request-context-2 --save


const hapiRequestContext = require('hapi-request-context-2');

// hapi plugin installation
  register: hapiRequestContext,
  options: {
    mapHeaders: ['authorization'] // it will store 'authorization' in your context

// Also, if you want to set an id for each request
server.ext('onPreHandler', (request, reply) => {
  hapiRequestContext.context().set('requestId', shortid.generate())

  return reply.continue()

// Then whenever you want to recover it

Play with it!!!11! =)


I have copied this code from hapi-request-context package. I have applied few fixed to the code, since it seems the package is not mantained anymore and I needed it to work properly.

ps. I couldn't fork it because the original repo is placed on bitbucket =/.

What did I do?


It was tested only with Hapi 16. If you would like to use it with other version, please open an issue or a PR (even better :p).
