marcin-wosinek / sticky-notes

Demo of angular material framework
MIT License
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Sticky notes Build Status

Demo of angular material framework. It's the board with sticky notes that can be edited and moved around. Main point is to use as many ngMaterial features as possible.

application print screen


We are happy to welcome more contributores to project. Issue and PR are both welcome.

Local install & development

The code is generated using yeoman's angular generator. It's recommended to do the same while contributing to the project.


Our build is build at grunt and runs at node.js. Please check those projects to find more about installation. Assuming you have everything in place:

$ npm install // install all build dependencies
$ bower install // install frontend dependencies

Then you can use:

$ grunt serve // to start the develpement server
$ grunt build // to compile all source files to /dist folder

Continues deployment

All commits pushed to master are automatically build by travis-cs and pushed to github page.