marcj / typedoc-plugin-lerna-packages

A plugin for Typedoc that groups all Lerna packages into own TS module
MIT License
28 stars 15 forks source link


A plugin for Typedoc that groups all Lerna packages into own TS module. Normally Typedoc handles each file as a module, this isn't correct for lerna packages, as each package should be treated as a module. This plugins handles that. Also if you have a in your package folder, it will be used as comment for that module.

Example Demo:

Example source code:

Just install it and type typedoc:

npm i -D typedoc-plugin-lerna-packages typedoc@~0.16
# yarn add -D typedoc-plugin-lerna-packages typedoc@0.16 --tilde

npx typedoc
# yarn typedoc

Example typedoc.js in your root folder

module.exports = {
  mode: 'modules',
  out: 'docs',
  exclude: ['**/node_modules/**', '**/*.spec.ts'],
  name: 'MY NAME',
  excludePrivate: true


In typedoc.js you can add following extra config values to change the behavior of this plugin.

module.exports = {

  //exclude packages from being generated
  lernaExclude: ['@vendor/integration-tests', '@vendor/examples']


When you work on this package you should link to it in a other lerna repo, and then execute following command to make generation working:

rm -rf docs && NODE_PRESERVE_SYMLINKS=1 ./node_modules/.bin/typedoc