marclave / Jasper-Twitter

Twitter module for JASPER. Allows the ability to check notifications(direct messages, retweets and mentions), send a tweet and check whats trending!
7 stars 3 forks source link



Twitter module for JASPER. Allows the ability to check notifications(direct messages, retweets and mentions), send a tweet and check whats trending!

Steps to install

Here are examples of what you can do with this module!

JASPER: How can I be of service?
YOU: Check what is trending in twitter
JASPER: #KepoAlaBetawi
JASPER: #HappyBeliebersDayAllAroundTheWorld
JASPER: #RuinThe90s
JASPER: #SiRegresaraEnElTiempoYo
YOU: Do I have any twitter Notifications
JASPER: You have no retweets
JASPER: Latest Mentions are
JASPER: @MarcLaventure You need to stop programming so much from JordanVlieg
JASPER: You have no Direct Messages
YOU: Send tweet
JASPER: What would you like to tweet?
YOU: @JordanVlieg :P