marco-michel / TimeEvolver

A Progam for Time Evolution With Improved Error Bound
MIT License
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TimeEvolver is an open-source software package for computational physics. Its purpose is to perfrom "numerical simulations", i.e. to compute real-time evolution in a generic quantum system. Relying on known Krylov subspace techniques, the software tackles the problem of calculating the quantum state at a given time $t$ by evaluating the product\ $\qquad\qquad\exp(-iHt)v$ ,\ where $H$ is the Hamiltonian (represented as large sparse and Hermitian matrix), v corresponds to the initial state vector and $i$ is the imaginary unit. The precision of the result is adjustable and on a standard notebook, TimeEvolver allows to compute time evolution in any Hilbert space of dimension up to 107.

TimeEvolver is designed to be easily applicable to your physics model. In particular, the software package includes routines for sampling observables and for deriving the Hamiltonian matrix $H$ from a more abstract representation of the Hamiltonian operator. Moreover, convenient output methods, concrete examples and a documentation are provided.

TimeEvolver was considerably improved with the new version 2.0. Please note that the API changed as compared to versions 1.x (in particular of the core-method krylovTimeEvolver; see below), so existing projects may need to be updated. With the new release, TimeEvolver is available on all operating systems, although we still recommend Linux.

A detailed description of TimeEvolver can be found in:

M. Michel and S. Zell, TimeEvolver: A Program for Time Evolution With Improved Error Bound, Comput. Phys. Commun. 277 (2022) 10837, arXiv:2205.15346.

If you use TimeEvolver, please cite the above paper.

If you have any questions or experience technical problems, please feel free to contact us:

Project Structure

The TimeEvolver distribution includes the following files and directories:

README                          this file
LICENSE                         the MIT licence
cmake                           cmake files for downloading dependencies
core                            the methods for time evolution using Krylov subspace techniques
example                         concrete examples to demonstrate usage of the program
helper                          methods to create the set of basis states and to compute the Hamiltonian matrix
output              output of the example
CMakeLists                      file needed for cmake
doxyfile                        settings file for creating documentation

External Requirements

This software packages relies on following external libraries:

On top of that it uses the build managing software Cmake.


We recommend using Linux, or a virtual Linux machine, for TimeEvolver. The above libraries and software packages are usually available via a package manager like apt. For example on Ubuntu can be installed via

sudo apt-get install git
sudo apt-get install cmake
sudo apt-get install intel-mkl-full libhdf5-dev libboost-program-options-dev 

Note: If you install Intel MKL via the package manager you will be asked if you want to make MKL your default BLAS/LAPACK library. That is not necessary, so you can choose the default answer "No". Additionally, older versions of cmake might not find the oneapi version of mkl. We therefore recommend cmake version 3.15 or newer.

It is also possible to use another BLAS library instead of Intel MKL, e.g. OpenBLAS. However, the performance will most likely be worse due to lack of optimized sparse BLAS operations. In this case use

sudo apt-get install libopenblas-dev liblapacke-dev libhdf5-dev libboost-program-options-dev 

In order for TimeEvolver to work properly, Boost version 1.75 and newer is required. Currently, however, most distributions ship packages of the boost library of version 1.74 and older. If your machine does not have at least version 1.75, we offer several solutions (including an automatic download and compilation of the Boost-library), which are described in section "Installation".

Mac (experimental)

With version 2.0 TimeEvolver will also be available on Mac. The build-in Accelerate framework is used for BLAS calls. However, since we only have limited testing opportunities for this platform we still consider this feature experimental. For instance, cmake is not able to locate the include directory for the Accelerate framework reliably. The exact location seems also to change with different OS/xcode versions and needs to be passed by hand therefore in the CMakeLists.txt file in the root directory. Please change the following line according to your setup in case Accelerate.h is located somewhere else.



There are several ways to compile TimeEvolver on Windows. The easiest option is to use WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux), where you can install a virtual Ubuntu machine and then follow the instructions described above. We provide a short guide to install WSL below.

A second option is to download binary libraries with the help of the vcpk package manager. BOOST and HDF5 can be obtained for Windows 64bit OS via

.\vcpkg.exe install hdf5:x64-windows
.\vcpkg.exe install boost:x64-windows

You need to change the library paths in the cmake file accordingly.

A third option would be to compile Boost (and HDF5) from source. Please follow the respective instructions for each library.


There are two possible approaches to compile TimeEvolver. One can either build it locally or install it system-wide:

Note that both procedures will fail if you do not have at least version 1.75 of Boost. Further below we describe how to solve this issue.

Basic setup without installation (the easiest)

In the root folder timeEvolver, you can build TimeEvolver with no customization using:

mkdir build; cd build     # create and use a build directroy
cmake ..                  # configuration reading the Cmake script
cmake --build .           # compilation and linking (or type "make")

This will create three folder in the folder build:

Basic setup with installation

To install TimeEvolver to the path TIMEEVOLVER_INSTALL_PATH set the cmake variable CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX accordingly in the configuration step. If this variable remains unset a system folder will be chosen as installation path by cmake.

mkdir build; cd build                                 # create and use a build directroy
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=TIMEEVOLVER_INSTALL_PATH ..                  # configuration reading the Cmake script
cmake --build .                                   # compilation and linking (or type "make")
make install                                  # installation to TIMEEVOLVER_INSTALL_PATH 

Now one can proceed as follows to compile a file that uses TimeEvolver. For example, if we want to compile simpleExample.cpp, then we navigate to the folder where it is located and execute

 g++ simpleExample.cpp -I TIMEEVOLVER_INSTALL_PATH/TimeEvolver/include/ -I /opt/intel/oneapi/mkl/latest/include/ -I /usr/include/mkl -L TIMEEVOLVER_INSTALL_PATH/TimeEvolver/lib/ -lTimeEvolver -lHelper -Wl,-rpath=TIMEEVOLVER_INSTALL_PATHTimeEvolver/lib/ -o simpleExample

In the above, TIMEEVOLVER_INSTALL_PATH has to be replaced (three times) by the path where TimeEvolver was installed. Moreover, the include directoy for the MKL header might need to be adjusted.


If the dependencies have been installed locally and are not accessible system-wide one also needs to set following cmake variables with the paths of the respective libraries: BOOST_ROOT MKL_ROOT HDF5_DIR.

Special cases

Boost version is too old

For TimeEvolver to work properly, a Boost version of 1.75 or newer is required. If you do not have it, there are two possible solutions.

The first one is an automated download and compilation of Boost, which we integrated into cmake. To use it, you only have to set the cmake varibale DOWNLOAD_BOOST to ON:

mkdir build; cd build        
cmake -DDOWNLOAD_BOOST=ON ..                 
cmake --build .              

Running the cmake script with an inadequate system-wide installed boost library before executing it with the DOWNLOAD_BOOST option might set internal variables wrongly. Deleting CMakeCache.txt and executing cmake -DDOWNLOAD_BOOST=ON .. again might solve the problem.

The second option is to manually download the Boost-library and then to compile it from source. For a system-wide installation, one can use

cd path/to/boost_1_76_0
sudo ./b2 install

In case a local installation you need to change the corresponding line to ./ --prefix=INSTALL_PATH with INSTALL_PATH being the chosen install directory for the boost library. When using a local installation, please set the cmake variable -DBOOST_ROOT=INSTALL_PATH when building TimeEvolver.

Standalone Version of Intel MKL

If you use the standalone version of the MKL library, which is now part of the oneAPI framework, please make sure that you follow all installation steps including setting environment variables. For root installation this can be done with:

source /opt/intel/oneapi/ intel64

Note that the variables are only set for the context of your session. For a permanent solution please visit the Intel helppage.

Windows with WSL

In the following we provide a short guideline to install Windows Subsystems for Linux (WSL). For details please see the official WSL documentation. Note that WSL is only available on Windows 10 version 2004 and higher or Windows 11. Open a powershell command terminal and type

wsl --install

to install WSL. A restart is usually required after this step. To install for example Ubuntu type in a powershell or command prompt

wsl --install -d ubuntu

Note that there are many other distributions to choose from as well as newer versions of ubuntu. We again refer to the official documentation for more information. After installations you need to choose a user name and password. A Linux command terminal can be opened via the corresponding app Windows creates automatically (named after your distributions) or typing the name of the distribution in another terminal.


To test if the compilation was successful and the program works as intended please type


after compilation.


Usage 1: Examplary Program I

A first option to use the program relies on a concrete example. For this purpose we provide the code to analyze the model studied in

G. Dvali, L. Eisemann, M. Michel and S. Zell, Black Hole Metamorphosis and Stabilization by Memory Burden, Phys. Rev. D, 102 (2020) 10, 103523, arXiv:2006.00011.

In order to execute the corresponding program, navigate to cd build/Example and type:


A set of standard values for the parameters will be used. For a list of available parameters type:

./main --help

The result of time evolution will be stored in a HDF5-file. For the standard choice of parameters, it has the name ResultBlackHole_N20_Nm2_K4_C1_DeltaN12_C01_Cm1_maxT10_tol1e-08_samplingStep0.01_m40_fastIntegration0.h5. It contains the expectation values of the occupation numbers of each of the modes at different times. (If HDF5 is not installed, the result will instead be written in .csv-files.) Additionally, we provide the exemplary Mathematica-notebook analysisOutputData.nb to visualize the output data, which is located in the example output folder output.

Usage 2: Examplary Program II

Furthermore, we provide a second simpler example of two coupled oscillators. In order to execute it, navigate to cd build/Example and type:


The expectation values of the occupation numbers of the two oscillators at different times will be written in the files SimpleExampleOutputOccupationNumber0.csv and SimpleExampleOutputOccupationNumber1.csv.

Usage 3: Apply TimeEvolver to own Hamiltonian matrix

A third option to use the program arises if the user already has at their disposal a Hamiltonian matrix. In this case, only the classes contained in the folder core are needed. The main functionality of TimeEvolver is encapsulated in the class krylovTimeEvolver declared in the header file krylovTimeEvolver.h. Its constructor has following form

krylovTimeEvolver(double t, std::complex<double>* v, double samplingStep, std::vector<std::unique_ptr<krylovBasicObservable>>  observables, std::unique_ptr<smatrix> Ham, double expFactor, double tol, int mm, bool fastIntegration, bool progressBar);


Additionally, we provide a simplified constructor which sets all meta parameters to the above mentioned default values and only requires obligatory arguments corresponding to the physical system to be simulated.

krylovTimeEvolver(double t, std::complex<double>* v, double samplingStep, std::vector<std::unique_ptr<krylovBasicObservable>> observables, std::unique_ptr<smatrix> Ham);

The time evolution is started with the call of the member function

krylovReturn* timeEvolve();

Usage 4: Recent research project

TimeEvolver was used in a recent research project, all details can be found in the repository


Note the the previous version 1.4.1 was used there. (So small modifications would be needed before TimeEvolver 2.0 can be applied.)

Internal data formats

Besides fundamental data types, TimeEvolver defines the following two additional matrix types in the header file matrixDataTypes.h:

Krylov status codes

Build Documentation

To build a local version of the documentation you have to install the program doxygen:

sudo apt-get install doxygen graphviz

Then a documentation, which lists all classes and member functions, can be built by executing in the main directory


The result can subsequently be found by opening doc/html/index.html.