marcofaltelli / Metronome

Metronome: adaptive and precise intermittent packet retrieval in DPDK
MIT License
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Metronome: adaptive packet retrieval in DPDK

Welcome to the official Metronome repository: Metronome enables CPU usage proportional to the incoming load in DPDK, as well as flexible sharing of CPU resources between I/O tasks and applications. Here are some pointers to deep into our work:

We encourage you to clone Metronome and try it on your Linux machine. You can contact us using our Slack channel for any questions or trouble in using Metronome.

If you are looking for the CoNEXT artifacts evaluation, please switch to the artifacts branch.

The repository is organized with two main directories:

Software requisites:

Testbed setup

Loading the hr_sleep module

Switch to the hr_sleep directory if you're interested in mounting our hr_sleep sleep service and follow the instructions in the directory's README file. This is not mandatory for Metronome to work.


You can switch now to the examples/l3fwd directory to test our main example.